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Self Discovery Prompt:
Take ten minutes to sit with the thought, “What am I most looking forward to in my life?” Then journal about it. Don’t try to make it realistic according to where you are in life right now. Use it to add a little more juice to your manifesting.
When I think about the meaning behind the words “what I am most looking forward to in my life”, I first think about the fact that I want to be able to let out a big sigh and shout “I made it!” I look forward to graduating college, I look forward to knowing that I never gave up despite how extremely difficult it became at times. I look forward to becoming a parent and teaching my children everything my parents have taught me. I look forward to settling down, being able to be more financially stable and being excited to look through online websites that display houses that are for sale because I know I will be a home owner one day. I look forward to the day that my significant other and I will no longer have to say come over to each other, but instead come home, because we will be at a point in which the level of trust, respect, honesty, and loyalty has been built up and we can now live together. I look forward to the day when I move on from the position I am currently working in, and although I am scared because I am used to working where I am now, I look forward to it because I know I will be moving on because I have worked hard. I look forward for the days that I will spend relaxing with my loved ones, with my family, and my friends. The days that will turn into the best memories of my life. I look forward to being the best me that I can possibly be, and not settling for anything less than I know I deserve.
What about you??? What are you most looking forward to in YOUR life???
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I had to think really hard about this. I’m still young and as I look back on my life for reference points to see how far I’ve come I only come up with feelings of guilt rather than strength and assurance. But now, at the pinnacle of youth (so to speak), this is not a time for pity. It’s a time to look ahead not behind!
I look forward to the day when college rolls around to start, to those days I tick off on my calendar and I can breathe a sigh of relief saying, “This isn’t so bad!” Then suddenly, I can shake hands with the dean of my program and have a degree of psychology in hand carrying new tools on my belt to apply not only to myself but towards other encounters. I look forward to the day when I won’t have to question my future -be it my job or my personal affairs- and I will be content to live and be okay in what I am doing, in who I am as a whole. I look forward to the day when my health overall improves (physically as well as mentally), when I can tell my psychiatrist I no longer need my medications and throw them all in the garbage because you know what? I can do this ON MY OWN. I look forward to the day when I can drive and not panic after only a few miles. I look forward to the day when I can wear my non-binary emblem with pride rather than disgrace and fear. I look forward to the day when I can be open with people instead of confrontational or wary to the point of isolation. I… Look forward to settling down with someone who will be as happy and proud to share their life with me as I am with them.
There is nothing more exciting than a hard rain on an early Saturday morning. I sit back and sip my coffee and toast. I bet the grandkids are coming over and we will end up going for a long walk.
Thanks for sharing your thoughts with us guys!
I look forward to the moment I wake up with my wife next to me and go to check on my kids and am overjoyed with the look on there faces.
All of these are great responses guys! I appreciate you all sharing. Since it has definitely been a while since I had made my original response, think I would like to add some things I look forward to the most right now:
I look forward to the moment when I no longer have to make my bag to go to my boyfriend’s because we officially have our apartment.
I look forward to seeing my step son continue to make developmental and educational strides.
I look forward to walking the graduation stage not only once, by twice in the next few years as I have new goals set for myself.
I look forward to having a child of my own with my partner one day.
I look forward to continuing to inspire others with the work that I am doing, and continuing to develop the legacy of my late coworker.
I look forward to going on many more adventures with my friends, family and love.
It’s been a while since I last updated what I’m looking forward to in my life and I’m so happy to see that I have been able to fulfill some of the things I had set for myself last time.
The last things I was looking forward to were:
I look forward to the moment when I no longer have to make my bag to go to my boyfriend’s because we officially have our apartment.
I look forward to seeing my step son continue to make developmental and educational strides.
I look forward to walking the graduation stage not only once, by twice in the next few years as I have new goals set for myself.
I look forward to having a child of my own with my partner one day.
I look forward to continuing to inspire others with the work that I am doing, and continuing to develop the legacy of my late coworker.
I look forward to going on many more adventures with my friends, family and love.
So far, I have been able to successfully transition to living with my partner, and having our own place.
My son has definitely made new strides in his education and development.
I have continued to work with AU and JRB and my work here has been able to reflect the goals that my late coworker had.
Lastly, I am officially a college graduate and I am continuing to study.
Things that I am looking forward to now are:
Graduating with my second degree
Having a child of my own with my partner
Launching The Lotus Project
More adventures with my friends