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It’s that time of year where everyone gathers together to celebrate the holidays. Although it’s supposed to be cheery and festive, the experience might feel as overwhelming as it was for that turkey before he landed on your dining room table for Thanksgiving.
I don’t know about you, but I have a large family who LOVES to drill me with awkward questions about my future (specifically my job and school), about my appearance (gained/lost weight), and my social life (has my boyfriend “popped the question” yet?). I honestly have to rehearse what I am going to say and see if I can answer their questions in under three minutes, so my whole night isn’t ruined. I know they don’t mean to criticize, but sometimes I want to hide to avoid those dreaded questions.
And then there are family members who do like to criticize because…well, I don’t really know why?
So, what do we do to survive the criticism? We need to enjoy the celebrations just as much as the next person!
Psychology Today has introduced to us “5 Tips for Surviving Criticism From Family Members!”
1) Start viewing criticism as misguided caring.
2) Speak up! Let family members know how they can better express that they care.
3) Encourage prioritization.
4) Give gentle reminders that you are worthy of unconditional love.
5) Understand that purposeless negativity is just that. Purposeless negativity.
Click below to read the full article:
or here: https://www.psychologytoday.com/blog/the-art-closeness/201511/5-tips-surviving-criticism-family-members
Some people are affected by their families so much that they decide not to show up at holiday events because it’s too overwhelming. Attending the Christmas bash at Aunt Susie’s house may urge you to drink or use other negative coping skills to manage the unwanted feelings of shame, embarrassment, anger, etc. So hopefully this article will help you identify how to survive this season.
We want everyone to be able to enjoy the delicious homemade decorated cookies without wondering which person is going to comment next.
Peace to you all! And may you survive the battle of the criticism!
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Thanks for the article link Val. I have been looking into wellness tips to deal with stress too. My advice? Make food SO good, it leaves their mouths so full that they can’t talk 😉
These are great suggestions! I will definitely keep these in mind on Thursday!
Hey Everyone! How did you all do on Thanksgiving?
I was shuffling to three locations to see various family members. Overall, I didn’t have much conflict and I didn’t feel criticized because I was prepared to deflect. Christmas is more difficult for me because the family is more stressed and there always seem to be more worrying.
I hope you all have a great weekend and enjoy those turkey leftovers!