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Would you recommend doing a pre-calculus course before doing calculus?
I have been getting mixed reactions to this question. I did a little Calculus in high school but I am sure this course will be different.
My counselor and math teacher recommend doing pre-calculus first since it has been the common routine at the school. Another Math teacher, who happens to teach Calculus says there isn’t much correlation. Some fellow classmates said they went directly to Calculus.
I do not want to do pre-calculus, especially since it is unlikely that I will transfer the credits. How do you feel about this decision?
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So, I am still considering registering for Calculus this Fall and by-pass pre-calc.
Earlier this summer I started a self study- watching YouTube videos and matching the topics with a textbook I borrowed from a friend. I found that the textbook can get a bit challenging so I relied more on the YouTube vids, which of course, from which I learnt plenty in a very short time.
I figure that before I step into my class on August 31st, I need to master my trigonometry skills. So fingers crossed, I’ll get there in time. For the next thirty days I will be following Professor Leonard’s vids on his YouTube channel [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fYyARMqiaag&list=PLF797E961509B4EB5]. I am hoping to learn enough so I am better prepared for my class in the Fall.
So, most of my work this summer (preparing to take calc) might just have been for pre-calc since getting into Calculus requires that I already have taken pre-calc, successfully completed the calculus 1 placement test or I have some scores to show where I may have actually done pre-calc.
But if I do end up having to do pre-calc before I can actually do Calc, I think that would not be so bad after all. Being prepared is the important thing. Sometimes its good to be confident but its also important to be prepared.
Chances are I do complete Calc without the grade that I want and I may end up having to do it again. That is easily avoided if I take things one step at a time. Patience is good and even if I can’t transfer my credits after this class, it would worth knowing that I am better off passing my classes thereafter.
:/ Like Allison posted about preparing for back to school, I now want to add ‘Check Pre-Requisites!!! That’s too bad, but I like the tone you got going here- patient, wise, mindful to the value of having pre-calc under your belt. I don’t know yett how my credits will transfer, but I’m sure I will need the same attitude when I have to take x-class over again. Even if it’s biochemistry…I guesssss I’ll be grateful to really get it down..lol
I’m curious, have you declared a major?
Hi Katerina,
Yes, I already have. I am basically doing Business Administration as my Associate and transfer into Economics afterwords for my Bachelors.