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I guess work and school are almost synonymous nowadays huh? As far as the work part of it, i would def think so. Just wish we could get paid for school as well. Anyways, I recently started a new job (which I am enjoying A LOT surprisingly) and still working at my old one. While I’ve heard all the dreadful stories about ppl working 2-3 jobs, I had to take a chance and see what all the hype was about when this position I fell in love with could potentially be mine. It’s like it was meant for me, so how could i turn it down .. anyways, I’ve adjusted my hours at my old job, working in the afternoons up until the late evening and the mornings at my new one. The hours are not set in stone as both these positions are not typical in-office jobs. They are both fairly flexible as long as i hit my minimum hours/week. I made sure to express my availability and to voice my opinions with employers, making sure that I feel that we both are getting the most out of our relationships. It’s not something that I have always done but after realizing that I can and will be a major asset to wherever I work, I grew confidence.
My job balance is certainly working out for me but for those struggling with finding the balance, just take a second and figure out what it is that you are truly doing. Are multiple jobs worth the stress? Is it worth missing out on quality sleep, relationship building or just on good ol relaxation?
If money is the issue (usually it is), try to negotiate with your employers about your pay rate, especially if you have been there for quite some time. Bosses can be chill, they can be understanding… but most of all, they can be accommodating. You never know until you ask right?
Balance is essential to life. We all have to take a look at our situations and take time out for ourselves. Every stressful thing in our life can be handled, it all just takes some time.
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I totally get where you’re coming from. I love my new job but I have to make sure it doesn’t interfere with my Dr. appointments that keep me healthy; which is so important in order to do my job. My boss is really understanding and knows that I will work and do my job as well as take care of myself. It’s all about balance, something obviously easier said than done.
I used to nanny for 3 kids and worked way too much. I was so overwhelmed and kinda afraid to talk to the parents because I really did like working for them, but it was just too much. The money as great, but there was NO balance.