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Hello everyone, my name’s Nick and I’m a highschool Senior, on my way off to college. I just got through the college process and though I’m very excited and happy to be going off to school, I will be leaving many long-time friends, as well as a girlfriend behind. I’m nervous and eager about new relationships, and getting out there on my own. Anyone who is in highschool, new or old in college, in the midst of the college process, or has any opinions they’d like to share are welcome to talk.
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I’m so excited AND nervous for college (I’m a senior, too). I’m excited because I really love meeting new people and making new friends; I’m just really enchanted by the idea of going off into the world on my own to experience new things and make something of myself. But the scary part of that is the “on my own” piece of it.
I’ve never been intimidated by the idea of being on my own, but rather kind of excited by it, actually. I’ve always wanted to travel and see things and be really independent, so for the past couple years I’ve kind of tried really hard to make sure that nothing will be holding me back from doing so. But at the end of last summer, I met someone who became my first real boyfriend, and then the first person I’d fall in love with, and now, somehow, being on my own scares the shit out of me.
So I’m super excited… because I’ve been looking forward to getting out there and making something of myself for SO LONG. and yet, I’m so nervous… because getting homesick for a person is something I had never expected to have to deal with.
kghlkjdghadjkhfasjkdnfasdnjasdfakjdflisjo;wiehgljkhknsa,nv the struggle
Audrey, my girl I feel you. I am also in a very similar predicament myself if I must say so. I am in THE most awesome relationship I could ever ask for and I can truly say that I’m in LOVE. She is just so funny and smart and beautiful and I can go on forever but I don’t want to get too off-topic. And when I think about it, although humans are said to be social creatures, both of us can independently live and more importantly thrive in our own environments. I think that being in relationship with her for this long has, if anything, enhanced my view of the world and has changed me for the better. I know that it might be tough in college without physically being there but at the same time I know I would never trade a diamond for a rock or sleep instead of spending the night (and morning) in the city with the love of my life. I can’t imagine my life without her even though sometimes I might not show it or when my antics might be too much to deal with! Overall I wouldn’t want to be in relationship at any other time in my life! I don’t think it matters when that special someone pops up, but rather how much adversity you must overcome to make it work- both partners need to contribute and give it 100% to make it work. College is going to be a blast and I can’t wait for it to play out.
Love, Gus
So excited to see all the eagerness and anticipation for college, I’m certainly feeling it too! What are you all most excited for?
Hmmm that’s a hard question, there’s so much that I’m looking forward to. First of all, I know absolutely no one that is going to the college that I’m going to, so I’m really looking forward to starting completely new and making a bunch of new friends. I’m also really looking forward to being independent; it seems that the closer I get to leaving, the tighter my parents try to hold on to me, so while of course I’m going to miss my family more than I think I’ll be ready for, I’m sOOOo0o00000ooo ready to be out there on my own. I’m excited to grow as a person, to experience new things and juice everything that I can out of these next few years. of course I’m excited to get care packages, send care packages, surprise visit my boyfrand, get surprise visits from him, explore the area that I’ll be going to school in, and most importantly SUPER PUMPED TO DECORATE MY DORM (((((((; hbu GUS