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Balance can be hard, especially when you have a lot on your plate. For me, I’m working and going to school and everything else that comes my way during this whole life thing. I’m trying to find that balance between all of it but it’s so easy to become overwhelmed which for me I turn inward. The negative self-talk about not being enough, I should be able to handle this, etc. But I know that if I take a step back and really take it one task at a time I will make it through. Anyone get this?
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I totally get this, Sara!
I was trying to take a couple of college courses last semester while I was working, but it was difficult. I had to limit the amount of classes I took to make sure I was in check with my mental health as well as making sure I was working enough hours to afford living on my own.
Sometimes being a full time student is all you can do and not work and sometimes being a full time worker is all you can do and not go to school. But you always have to be a full time mental health advocate for yourself. 🙂
It’s extremely challenging to find the balance, and the negative self-talk does not make it easy to cope with the feelings of not being good enough. Occasionally, I’ve had to write down some of my successes to remind myself how far I’ve come to give myself a better perspective of how I am doing more than just in one area such as school or work, but as a whole.
Balance can be really hard. For me it goes from me wanting to everything all at once to other extreme of doing nothing at all. I’m working on that balance, which is really needed when it comes to work & school.
Hey everyone! I was researching some tips on balancing school and work, and found a great article with lots of resources! I’m definitely learning time management and priorities lately :0
I totally understand you Sara! School and work can be very difficult and challenging while maintaining your health. I use calendars and reward myself by doing something for myself at the end of every week. Its a challenge and fight it everyday taking it day by day and try to stay in the present.
I think that people should already know how to balance school and wok because you know you have to do your homework and you have to focuss on your school work have to find a way to work around both your work and our school but never leave school because of to much work.
I am thinking about going back to school and working this fall, so seeing all your perspectives here is really helpful.
Full time school and work is something i have done before and the experience had many pros and cons.
The cons:
1. I had less time for myself (meaning less sleep, less socializing etc.)
2. I missed a few classes
3. Any work stress that materialized affected my studies
The pros:
1. I was able to pay for school on my own and get everthing that I needed
2. I was able to gain experience through working that complimented my studies
3. I leaned some very important life skills about time and money management