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If anyone is doing their midterms now, feel free to share how you’re getting by.
I’ve done one midterm test so far, four more are coming up between this week and next week + assignments.
This is exactly whatsup:
Going through my homework assignments
Trying to stay awake
At the middle of a chapter
When you’ve had enough
When its finally time to sleep
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This week is not so bad, I am through with three of my mid term exams, two more to go!
This is pretty much how I thought I would be feeling,
But somehow I am still up at nights and the test papers are not so scary (sarcasm?):
OMG Kevin! This is a lot. I don’t have midterms yet (I have some due in 2 weeks.) What concerns me more is that I am working most weekends (both days) in December, so i will have to get all my work done during the week, and balance my time effectively.
I can totally relate though in most ways. I also realize that it will not be like this forever – but it doesn’t always seem like it!
Lol. Glad you have it under control Michael. Its definitely not as bad and you will see that once you get through it. Showing emotion to this is a good sign because it shows that you are working hard enough to get the A’s.
I am done with my midterms but the assignments continue. Good luck bud!
On My way to finals:
So I’m down to my finals. Feeling excited. i have one down so far, four more to go… It’s on!
I’m trying to keep it positive Kevin…. Not good sometimes hahah!
Literally LOVE this thread. Gave me so much life. I know studying for midterms and prepping for them is so exhausting! I def can recall. I don’t have any up coming tests but I can def feel the pressure lol.. im glad you guys are doing your thing!
Its Ok to feel stressed out before finals but I cant beat procrastination.