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Dear Britney,
I am writing you from the broken hinges, cracked windows and rusted faucets that we once called our home. Its been decades since we’d last touched, much less talked. I Thought I would write you anyway though. Seeing how time lacks the ability to wane or wither love. Especially ours. I bet you’re wondering what the hell I’m up to these days. Well not much, though I have come far in my career since 1936. Yes, it has been that long. A whole seventy-nine. Can you believe that? But by the plethora of wrinkles on my face, you can surely tell that time has flown. To me, these years have been the longest of my life. Only forty since you were found and thirty-nine since you were buried. But I have lived but one dread filled life following this. Why? Because I lack the closer I have required for just under a century. I apologize If my tone comes off as anything but serious and respectful. I have tried for many years to keep my composure but it seems like I now lack that capacity. Honestly, there is just so much tension convened in my chest; the last place you touched me. Before, it happened. I had never been convinced of iniquitous plaguing anyone’s soul. I had always thought that while bad may have happened, only good intentions were behind every action. When I validated your passing, is when fate had a better argument than I. He woke you up with a punch to the face. You clenched your bleeding nose expecting ¨just another beating¨. But this one wasn’t one of his usual alcoholic rages that you had grown used to. He had found out what we had successfully hidden for the past three years. He found out about us. I remember your family being extremely religious, carrying a strong prejudice for many generations. Your father would not let your sin go unnoticed. You were on the ground being kicked in the ribs. With each time his foot came back you pleaded all while trying to maintain some kind of breathing. You almost had passed out but you were to be punished in a way you would remember. ————–We were ¨star crossed lovers¨, as you often referred to us as. Unfortunately we had attained this name under the means of irony.
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Amazing. I love reading what you write, it resonates with me so much. Thanks for sharing
wow this is my first time reading this and it was amazing to read your love story , my heart goes out to you . your writing is very beautiful, i’m honestly speechless i don’t even know what to say.
Hi my friends,
I want to let you all know that Jonathan, aka Someoneoddlyfamiliar, passed away on Sunday.
Jonathan was an advocate and young adult, who worked with our partners and friends at Advocacy Unlimited.
Jonathan started posting here when he joined the AU team, but I think we all quickly learned to look forward to his poetry and posts which often gave us a glimpse into his heart and often reflected our own experiences and feelings– at least, that is how I felt when I was able to open one of Jonathan’s posts and become lost in his poetry if even for just a moment.
He will be missed by so many, and what a testament to his spark and the power of his words, that those of us who only knew him online will be some of those who mourn his passing and will miss his place here on Earth.
To anyone who needs support in this time, we are here. I am here for all of our friends at Advocacy Unlimited and TurningPointCT.org
You will be missed, Jonathan.