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May 2024 Content Themes

With the end of April, we are now a third of the way through 2024. Hopefully “April showers brings May flowers” holds true and we get more warm, sunny days!

Check out our content flyer below for May 2024, which include Mental Health Awareness Month, prom, college graduation, and more! As always, content does not have to limited to what’s on the flyer, it can be about anything you feel comfortable sharing!

Email us at turningpointct@positivedirections.org or DM us on Instagram if anything piques your interest!

2 Replies to “May 2024 Content Themes”

  1. Jacqueline says:

    Hello my name is Jacqueline , and I wanted to share my story .

    From the young age of two I was admitted into the foster care system and removed from all my family . I was placed with a extended family member and his wife I lived there for 14 years. I always considered them family despite the traumas and all types of abuse that I had experienced in their care. The turning point in my life came about when I was about 15-16 I started advocating for myself and was told several times by resource officers and Dcf workers that my truth wasn’t credible. The system sided with my abusers but I didn’t stop there . When I was 16 I ran away from home during a traumatic altercation and seeked help from my church pastors. My word was enough. And on the date of August 12th 2016 was my first day of freedom. My whole life changed for the better I was able to meet my biological siblings (I have a bunch ) and I got to find the real me, the one that didn’t have to be in survival mode 24/7. I’m currently 24, I have a almost 2 year old and I’m a leader in my community I have a strong desire to advocate for my community and friends and become connected with my local government. Life doesn’t stop at your lowest , that’s the foundation you’re going to build your future on and it’s going to be beautiful.

    1. Therell says:

      Hi Jacqueline, thank you for sharing your story. I am sorry you had to go through so many struggles. If possible, would you mind submitting your story on the ‘Our Stories’ page: https://turningpointct.org/our-stories/

      We would greatly appreciate it. ~ Therell, TurningPointCT Social Media Lead

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