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I found this post on Facebook a few days ago. I am absolutely honored and humbled to have such an incredible Home Team.
In order to truly reflect on this idea of my own Home Team, I am going to look back to a time when my life wasn’t so wonderful. It’s not something I want to do, but it’s something I have to do.
I was a lonely kid. It was hard for me to make friends. I was always an outcast. I didn’t like the same things or have the same interests as my peers. I didn’t play sports. I wasn’t good at a lot of things. Some of the kids I went to school with picked on me. (Which is precisely the reason I don’t care to attend any reunions in the near future. I am still bitter about that one gym class when that boy spiked the volleyball in my face and then laughed when my glasses broke. I’ll get over it eventually. Probably.)
When I was 15, I was invited to join the Wednesday night class at the studio. Instantaneously, I found my Home Team. I found this incredible group of women who would stand by me through the hardest times in my life, who would cheer me on as I graduated high school, college, grad school, who would be there to hold me at my worst moments and let me cry.
This is precisely when my Anxiety realized she can’t get to me when I am dancing. She started leaving me alone for an hour and a half every week. My Home Team protects me from her. They don’t let her in.
At this point in my short lifetime, I started to realize
It may have taken me 23.75 years, but I’ve got my Home Team. I’ve got this group of incredible people in my life who do nothing but lift me and help me figure out how I can be my best me.
My Home Team protects me from my Anxiety and my Depression. They keep me anchored to what’s good in the world.
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