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Negative Anniversary Dates

Often times I have heard people mention that we are more likely to remember a circumstance in our life when it has had a negative impact on us rather than if it had a positive one, and frankly I think that statement is quite accurate. Year after year, just as we glorify and celebrate birthdays and regular wedding anniversaries, I as well as many other people in this world struggle with anniversaries that bring forth sadness and pain. These types of anniversaries can be caused by losses of family members, personal tragedies, etc.

Do any of you deal with similar struggles? How do you handle them?

2 Replies to “Negative Anniversary Dates”

  1. VRuiz says:

    You are not alone. I deal with the same struggle. I try to erase the bad anniversary dates… but they stick around no matter what. I think I am naturally programmed that way… most of us are. We were gifted with memories and whether theyre good or bad, we just have to find a way to deal with it. Every date that has something to do with something that is painful for me will probably never disappear and I’ve come to accept it as a blessing. It’s something that reminds me of how strong I’ve become and how much I’ve grown from those situations or from losing someone important to me. While it doesn’t get as easy I would like, I just push mentally prepare for it and push through the day. I def give myself sometime to be emotional but I keep myself busy to keep my mind on other things. The gym and hanging out with friends really helps me– the whole social things keeps me from locking myself in my room. I turn it all into a celebration of life.

  2. Luz.Feliz says:

    It is definitely good to hear feedback from someone else and to know that although I always assume I am not alone, I can actually confirm it. Having a plan in place seems to be a good fit for you and is something I would like to strive for in the future with myself as I have negative anniversary dates coming up soon. Thank you for your feedback, it is greatly appreciated.

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