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I can totally relate to this quote, because often times I have found myself wanting to accomplish so many things yet I sit there wondering why I can’t get ANYTHING done. When reflecting back on why I think that was, I can only think of one common factor when this has occurred each time- I had been limiting my own success and achievements. At the end of the day, we are the only ones who are in charge of how far we will go and how hard we will work, but in order to first start the process of seriously kicking ass in life, we must commit to lifting our foot and putting in the proper work! It isn’t easy, and some days will be better than others. With that being said, there will be days that you will want to quit, or may feel like the entire world is against you. What I have learned through my journey is that we don’t ever have to quit, as much as our minds want us to, this is never the answer. We can feel better if we slow our pace, deciding to take things a little slower. Whether it be taking less classes during a semester at school, handling less sports at a time, or anything that you can find relevant to your personal situation, the point is that you can still move forward even if you are moving at a slower pace. Choose to begin the process of lifting your foot today and fight to kick some life ass! 🙂
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I needed to read this today 🙂 thanks Luz, you kick ass 🙂
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