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Spring is here!!

Today is the first day of spring!!!
Tonight is the equinox- which means that the day and night time are about the same length. What does that mean?? From now until the summer solstice our days will get longer and longer!!
More sun! More warmth! If you struggle with seasonal depression, you are coming around the bend!! Life is blooming and I feel happy knowing that I won’t have to bike home in the dark at 5pm.
Also, super cool FUN FACT (even though it’s not Friday) tonight will be the third and last super moon of 2019!!! Around 9:45 look up and check out the MOON!!

How do you guys feel about the start of spring? What does it mean for you? Any plans or hopes?

4 Replies to “Spring is here!!”

  1. Allikat says:

    I LOVE SPRING!!!!!

    Spring for me:
    -My birthday (3/23)
    -Warm weather — or like just a hoodie and be fine
    -cats go outside more so they don’t make the house all crazy like they do in the winter
    -its light outside!

  2. torry22 says:

    I love spring because to me it means everything regrows <3

  3. Luz.Feliz says:

    I love the Spring because it means that Baseball is back! Goooooo Yankees!!!!

  4. labate says:

    I like spring because the constant darkness and cold temperatures of the winter can be a bit depressing at times, and spring tends to show some sort of “hope” in a sense

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