24/7 Hotlines: Call or text 988 or text 741741

Suicide Prevention Awareness Month

September is Suicide Prevention Awareness Month.

Suicidality is often portrayed as an individual problem, rather than a valid response to systemic ones. The internal and external conditions of living can feel insurmountable for some folks and it is so important to recognize and validate those feelings. For many who experience thoughts of wanting to die, those thoughts often result from a lack of choice. Much of the time, this lack of choice is related to systemic issues like healthcare, housing, employment, access to resources, exposure to violence, and more.

In addition to my role as a peer support specialist, I also facilitate groups called Alternatives to Suicide. In these groups, participants and facilitators co-create space for conversations around suicide and despair. During Alt2Su groups, participants can talk openly and honestly about their relationship to suicide without fear of clinical or carceral interventions. All facilitators and participants have lived experience with suicidality. Alternatives to Suicide groups are free to attend, voluntary, and confidential. I treasure these spaces, the conversations I’ve had with folks, and the connections I’ve made.

Tips & Resources

For folks who do not experience suicidality, learning that someone close to them is suicidal can feel really scary. It’s natural to react from a place of fear. However, fearful reactions can lead to more trauma or break down trust in a relationship. If at all possible, I encourage folks to take a beat and try to respond from a place of care and curiosity. What in their life has to die in order for someone to want to live? What would make that possible?

For folks looking for free, non-clinical supports, there is a wide variety of resources both in CT and nationally. Toivo and Positive Directions offer Alternatives to Suicide groups in CT and online. RIPPLE offers late night drop-in peer support groups online. For young adults, Join Rise Be has a warmline that folks can call to get support. Trans Lifeline is another warmline option that is specifically for transgender individuals seeking support. New Life II just opened Connecticut’s first peer run respite, where folks can stay for free and receive support during an emotional crisis. NAMI CT offers Out of the Abyss and an online group for young adults that incorporates D&D style role play. Kids in Crisis offers a 24/7 helpline for youth as well as a temporary shelter. Connecticut also has four urgent crisis centers that provide walk-in access for children in an emotional crisis.

These are just some of the resources that are available for individuals who are feeling suicidal. If you or someone you know is in need of additional resources, please reach out to Quinn at qjannetty@positivedirections.org or (475) 999-2605.

Inclusive Mental & Behavioral Health Resources

Check out this flyer from The Hub: Behavioral Health Action Organization for Southwestern CT that gives inclusive mental and behavioral health resources.

Kids in Crisis

Connecticut Kids In Crisis provides emergency shelter, crisis counseling, and community education programs for children of all ages and families facing crisis. Crisis can include domestic violence, mental health concerns, homelessness, substance abuse, economic difficulties, and other critical challenges. The Kids In Crisis Helpline is staffed 24 hours a day with trained Crisis Counselors, and provides free, confidential phone and face-to-face intervention, counseling, and referrals.

For support… CALL the 24-hour helpline: 203-661-1911


What does Kids in Crisis do?


Getting children and teens out of the dangerous situations they may be facing


Giving kids and families the support and tools they need to heal and thrive


Strengthening existing support systems so future crises can be averted more

Focusing on challenges children, teens and families face:

  • Family conflicts
  • Anxiety
  • Abuse
  • Trauma
  • LGBTQ Support
  • Depressio
  • Domestic Violence
  • Youth Homelessness
  • School Stress


Committed to making immediate change happen by:

Being there when needed

It all starts with a phone call to the helpline 203-661-1911. Kids in Crisis is always just a call or a drive away, 24 hours a day, 7 days a week

Providing individualized attention and care

Kids in Crisis understands children, teens and families have unique situations and they work together to create individualized plans for success

Leading the conversation

Their multi-disciplinary team including mental health professionals, advocates, activists work in communities to shape discussions about how to address and prevent crises that children face


Check out this informational video!


For more information, check out their website: https://www.kidsincrisis.org/


See our Resources page to find other mental health and substance abuse resources located in Connecticut for young people: https://turningpointct.org/resources/

Fairfield County Walks for Mental Health

Join the region’s coalition of mental health advocates for the first annual Fairfield County Walks for Mental Health event on Saturday, May 6th from 10:00 a.m. to 11:30 a.m. on the Norwalk Green (parking available on Park Street).

Warm up with some laughter exercise on the Green just before Senator Bob Duff opens Mental Health Awareness Month with an official proclamation from Governor Malloy. We will be joined by state and local officials including Senator Toni Boucher and Representatives Cristin McCarthy-Vahey, Chris Perone, Jonathan Steinberg, Fred Wilms, and Terrie Wood.

Walk with us down East Avenue (1 mile round trip), check out the Labyrinth, Healing Garden and Hope-Pray-Dream Board at St. Paul’s Church, or just come to show your support for the cause of mental health especially now when state funding is so much at risk. Free admission and complimentary purple bandannas for all.

RSVP to info@swrmhb.org or (203) 840-1187 to let us know how many people will be walking with you.

The Walk kicks off a calendar of almost 50 events across the region in honor of Mental Health Awareness Month including movies, talks, trainings, and more. Find the full calendar of regional events at http://www.HealthyMindsCT.org.

Exam Finals

Its about that time of the semester again. Finals!

School’s Out!

So semester one has finally come to its long anticipated end. I can finally relax and breath.

A sigh of relief from every night I stayed up to make sure that I get every ounce from this experience.

A sigh if relief from the perilous hurry to the bus stop to make sure that I make it to class in time (especially now that the snow is here).

A sigh of relief from having to pack my knapsack every morning. And a sigh of relief for a month long break from school, effective yesterday. ooohhhh Ahhhh!!!

This semester was an interesting one. I started the term with much worry. Full time school and technically, full time work. I was just making a full transition into my second job after a week long break at the end of August. And with class registrations, book rental, orientation, academic counseling and tuition deadlines… there was a lot going on.

On the very first day, halfway through getting acquainted with the new school, classroom, syllabus and grading system, I went home needing to complete a 5 page long essay – ‘Times New Romans’, font size: 12, double space, a citation page, a cover page – in one day, the professor didn’t mind that we were just getting to know each other. That was enough to keep me up after the first night. I ended my first week, contemplating the next week, the next month and how far through the semester I would actually make it.

I kept hearing my counselor in my head saying,

“If you feel you need to drop a class, don’t feel afraid to do so.”

But h*ll no, I wasn’t going to drop a class; I never have and I promised I never will. What ever it would take, I will finish the semester with 15 credits.
Four weeks in, the bells started ringing for midterms. Could this be the moment I finally heed to my counselor? H*ll no, Five classes I said, five classes it is and that’s exactly how it was. 5 exams + assignments, but I did it. I knew I would make it to the end of the semester and yes I did.

Still, one thing that I was especially worried about was my mental state. I never stopped thinking about how I felt inside could play out in the way I performed. It was a constant bother. And there are times when I hit a brick wall and I said

“No I cant!”

But the next day I was up and at it again. I never gave up! I never skipped an appointment with my doctor and I maintained connection with the right people. My counselors, always says,

“Work hard, but don’t loose track of your self,”

And the depth of these words have become a life lesson. It’s really crucial that regardless of the challenges that erupt throughout your journey, make sure that your life means something and as Viktor Frankl would agree,

“Suffering without meaning is despair.”

And I will expound on this great philosopher some more in the future.

But to end this week and as I drift towards the end of this year, I am feeling accomplished. If there is nothing else in my life that I can be proud of, it is that I am extremely proud that I made the right decision and went back to school.

Are you making it through midterms?

If anyone is doing their midterms now, feel free to share how you’re getting by.
I’ve done one midterm test so far, four more are coming up between this week and next week + assignments.
This is exactly whatsup:

Going through my homework assignments

Trying to stay awake

At the middle of a chapter

When you’ve had enough

When its finally time to sleep

finals week

Finals week in college are probably one of the worst weeks for every college student adding mental illness into the mix doesn’t make it fun at all. Being as stressed I am I almost just shut down. Its honestly so scary for me. I have worked so hard for more then three months and I may not have done as while I wanted to. I work so hard in school so finals are no different. I hate them because everything is so close together. I am trying to study for one final while writing a paper for another because my mind will not stop telling me all the thing I have to get down in a four-day span. I go back home on Friday and on top of stressing about finals, I am sad to leave for the summer. I have living in the house for a year and being at school is my safe place I walk to the beach everyday maybe twice a day on really nice days and now I have to leave for the whole summer and not be anywhere near a beach. It sucks. Also I am leaving friends. I know I am going back in 3 months but that’s what sucks about college friends you don’t see them for so long. They can always visit but people are so busy in the summer that its almost impossible to meet up. So in short this is a hard week for my depression I am living my beach and my support group of friends here for 3 months and I have to wait and find out how I did in school which on top of everything is so stressful because of how hard I worked. Also because most of you reading this are from CT, I would love to let you know about the NAMI walk in Hartford. It is on May 21st and I would love you guys to make a team or just donate money. Its all about breaking the stigma around mental illness.

Visit Our New Resource Map!

Help us make this resource map THE place to go find great stuff for young people in CT by sharing your recommendations! Add whatever locations or resources you think are missing, rate the programs and services you’ve used, etc. And tell your friends to check map.TurningPointCT.org out!

Please note: The map is still under development. We’ve got a team of young adults around the state adding new data all the time, but you can help by adding in your high school club, college wellness center, favorite youth group, job center, etc….