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Join Rise Be 2025 Emerging Adult Leadership Summit!

Join Rise Be is running an Emerging Adult Leadership Summit in 2025! It is free and open to folks 18 to 29 years of age.

  • WHEN: Friday, January 31st, 10 AM – 3 PM
  • WHERE: The Chrysalis Center – 255 Homestead Ave, Hartford, CT

Save the date and click here to register: https://form.jotform.com/243124168277155

Join Rise Be 2025 Emerging Adult Leadership Summit

Fun fact: earlier this year, our Peer Support Specialist, Quinn, was a keynote speaker at Join Rise Be’s Young Adult Leadership Summit. During their presentation, they spoke about how building a community got them to where they are now. Check out highlights from their presentation HERE!

RISE Leadership Training!

Join Rise Be is running The RISE Leadership Training, a FREE 4-part training series that will occur every Thursday in March from 10 AM-3:00 PM in Middletown, CT.

The learning experience is designed to promote recovery leadership among young adults currently receiving DMHAS Young Adult Services. Core topics include recovery, the transition to adulthood, social-emotional growth, and leadership. Students will also practice stress-management techniques to support trauma recovery. We will use a semi-structured curriculum with space for self-directed learning through creative expression and dialogue.

  • When:
    • Every Thursday in March (7th, 14th, 21st, 28th)
    • 10:00am-3:00pm
  • Where:
    • Rockfall Foundation
    • 27 Washington St #2
    • Middletown, CT 06457

Click HERE to register!

Join Rise Be’s Young Adult Leadership Summit

Join Rise Be is running a FREE young adult leadership summit!

  • When: January 26, 2024
  • Time: 10 AM – 3 PM
  • Where: Chrysalis Center, 255 Homestead Ave, Hartford, CT

Download and share the flyer below!

Registration link: https://tinyurl.com/3pjeyyfr


Check out this video:


I think this is a great way to get kids to accept everyone. The reality is, children are going to grow up going to school with classmates that are different than them in ANY which way. By allowing them to take part in such a story time, we allow them to acknowledge that everyone, no matter what differences they may have, is worthy of love, acceptance and respect.

What do you guys think about this???

What’s Wrong With Him?

The other day I was in one of my classes and while the professor was teaching her lecture, a student asked a question. The question was about the different types of  intravenous ports and other methods that are utilized for long-term treatments such as dialysis. This question led the professor to ask one of the other students in the class about his personal experience with the question being discussed, because he struggles with certain things and has first hand experience of what it is to deal with the certain medical equipment that was being discussed. While this student is sharing his first hand experience, another student who sits in front of me whispers in a not-so-soft tone- What’s wrong with him??? 

I feel like this statement wouldn’t have bothered other people as much as it bothered me. Nevertheless, it did bother me and I’m going to explain why. If we live in a society where something as randomly selective as having a medical condition can stir up a response such as “what’s wrong with you” then we are moving towards the world becoming worse rather than better. My classmate had no choice to have the health condition that he has to get long-term treatment for, he just happened to have it and now he has to strive to get better. Stating something like that about someone because of a medical condition is THE EXACT SAME THING as asking someone who has cancer “what’s wrong with them” which according to societal standards, is something no one should ever do-so why dare ask someone who has another medical condition the same question?

After thinking about that, I broadened my though horizon a little bit more. As someone in recovery from mental health challenges and who sees so much stigma surrounding us on a constant basis, why couldn’t we apply the “cancer patient” rule to EVERYONE with ANY condition? If we can CHOOSE to be nice and accepting to those who have cancer, why can’t we make the same CHOICE to accept, help, and validate those who have mental health conditions? I specifically emphasize on the words CHOICES because that’s really what it comes down to- us CHOOSING to judge someone based on the root of their struggles or not.

Just imagine a world in which acceptance was universal, no condition limited anyone from wanting to accomplish whatever they desired to be in life, and everyone, everywhere just felt safe enough to be who they truly desired to be. Asking someone what’s wrong with them isn’t the right question to ask. The question that we should be asking is “who do you want to be?”

Be Yourself no Matter what!

Check out this video:


Always remember to do what you love, no matter what others may think about it.

Has there ever been anything you’ve wanted to do but have been fearful to do because of what other people may think of you???

Starbucks Social Acceptance Video!

Check out this video:

This is soooo cool! Starbucks has become one of the places where everyone is accepted and treated equally. From having sign language as one of their ways of interacting with others, to hiring those who have mental health challenges, everyone should get like Starbucks and become more inclusive!