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September is National Recovery Month which recognizes people in recovery from addition (and often mental health, but this is mainly focused on addiction). Each day of the month in September, I follow the trend of posting a picture on social media that represents what recovery looks like for me. I decided I’ll post some of them here, and give a sentence or two of what it means to me. Tbh, I have an entire album on my phone titled, ‘my why’. It’s filled of pictures that are my reasons to stay healing, avoid relapsing, and avoiding self harm and suicide. Some of the pictures are obvious, like family, friends, and places. Some are not so obvious, like a rock on the ground and a picture on a wall. There are always powerful stories behind both kinds of pictures, and I find myself scrolling through the pictures often as a coping skill. It hasn’t failed me yet, even when guilt and dark thoughts creep in while looking at the pictures.
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