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National Relaxation Day

Did you know that August 15th is National Relaxation Day? Take a break today from that go-go-go lifestyle we are all so used to living these days!

If you’re wondering why it’s so important to take moments to relax, here are a few reasons:

  • it can reduce stress
  • it can improve brain function and memory
  • it can help ease anxiety and depression
  • it can help boost your immune system

If you’re like me and you’re scratching you’re head thinking you don’t have the time to relax, don’t worry! Relaxation doesn’t have to be an all-day affair. Here are some easy and quick ways you can relax almost anywhere:

  • deep breathing – if you’re new to this, there are guided deep breathing exercises you can find on YouTube
  • mediation – there are plenty of guided meditations that you can find on YouTube if you’re new to it
  • progressive (deep) muscle relaxation – you can find a guided one here
  • visualization – close your eyes and use your imagination to create a visual image of a relaxing, soothing or healing place. imagine the sight, the sound, the taste, the motion, and texture to make it as real as possible. typically, I will typically put myself in nature by a waterfall.
  • listen to music – I always keep headphones on me for this. you can find some relaxing reggae music here on our website!

Read what relaxation means to various young people in Connecticut here and here.

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