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I am getting ready to go on a work trip, and not so ready to fly..
I was reading about tips while flying that may keep you calm. (stress balls, music etc.)
Do you guys have any tips while flying!? I would love to hear some suggestions to keep me a little more calmer than I usually am on planes!
Thanks in advance!
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Hi Torry,
So excited you get to go on a work trip. I am happy to give you a few tips.
For me, actually going through security is more stressful. What helps is preparation. I wear slip on shoes so I can whip those babies off really quick for the guards, and also have my liquids in my quart zip lock bag in an easy to open small compartment. It really is all about getting your stuff quickly through the line.
For actual flying, definitely headphones and have an ipod or phone loaded with movies and music. I also suggest a book or two.
A huge part of it is also if you sit next to nice people honestly. My first time flying I was next to a beast (haha) but the last few times everyone has been lovely. I don’ talk a lot, but in the beginning i say hi and kinda gauge how much they want to chat. It can help with the time if you get into a good conversation too.
Last but not least, UBER OR LYFT!! Saves so much time and is super easy to use to get you from the airport or hotel.
Thanks so much for those tips! I forgot all about the liquid stuff, now I need to go buy travel size items.
I will have an extra pair of headphones so if they die… I have more!
With all of this stuff happening during flying, I am going to say hi to whoever is close to me then lock myself into my music. It’s a 6:15am flight.. so I will hopefully fall asleep haha.
Thanks so much!
I haven’t flown in so long all the precaution are probably so different now! Nevertheless, I can’t wait to ear how your flight went considering I know how you feel about flying!
Those are great tips to keep in mind when I look into my next vacation or trip via plane!