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Positive things-
I am very strong person with B positive blood group.
Always finish my task before timeline.
Always smile and have great communication skill.
Hard to make me angry.
I love animals.
Negative things
Anybody can make me emotional fool.
Dont know how to save money 😉
I have my own business and i am hard worker but i dont have boss skills.
If i get angry hard to control.
and the last one i think nothing 🙂
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I think this is really cool .
5 Positive Things about me
– I am healthy
– I have a great personality
– I also have great communication skills
– I am really good at video games! Like reeally really good.
– I’ll be graduating college in about 2 years and with the rate im going, I’ll be top of my class
In response to the negative things about yourself, I dont think theyre negative at all. Being emotional is a good thing :), shows that you have a heart. Also, being a boss is not something that comes naturally to everyone.. so you just have to acquire those skills over a lifetime.
I also get angry and usually takes a lot for me to calm down when i get to that point. What works best for me is when I think about something positive.. have to remind myself that nothing is truly worth the amount of rage and anger that I feel. Maybe you can let it out by finding an outlet.. perhaps running, boxing (my favorite) or even just reading a book or blog to take your mind off of whatever is making you upset.
5 Positive Things About Me
-I have a very lovable personality: everywhere I go I can easily make friends
-I have a good sense of humor
-I am a good role model/have leadership qualities
-I am very accepting and non-judgmental
-I am well spoken
5 Negative Things About Me
-I put on a mask so everyone thinks I am okay when I am not
-I run away from letting myself feel anything
-I’ll stand up for other people but not myself
-I would usually rather be quiet than express m opinions even if I have good input
-I struggle with my body image
5 positive things about me:
-I’m very resilient
-I’m a generous person
-I am a good writer
– I am a hard worker
-I like making people feel good about themselves
5 negative things about me:
-I am very hard on myself
-I can be very pessimistic when in a bad mood
-I’m bad at keeping in touch with people
-I still have negative coping skills
-I have a very bad temper
I feel like you and I are alike in many ways. Although these were things I did not mention on my list, I too consider myself to be a very strong, generous person who enjoys making others feel good about themselves. On the opposite of that as well I often find myself being very self critical. I’ve slowly been learning how to use my self criticism to better my self on a daily basis and help me to become the best me that I possibly can. I find that often times I am the one that sets my own limits, and therefore that’s were the criticism comes from. By setting higher standards everyday, I can continue to break them one day after the next. I will be the first to tell you that this task has not been an easy one, and I struggle with it daily, but it CAN be done. Slow and steady will always win the race.
I love chinnese food.
I love jewelry
I am funny and nice
I have 4 brothers and5 sisters
I love music
5 Positive things About Me:
1. I care about others. I have the ability to sympathize and empathize with others and have a strong understanding that people do and feel the things they do for a reason and we’re all just doing the best that we can with what we’ve been given.
2. I’m extremely open-minded. I live by the firm belief that as long as you aren’t hurting another living creature without their consent then you should be allowed to do whatever you want with your life.
3. I’m a good writer with a creative imagination and a strong communicator.
4. I’m open to growth.
5. I’m intelligent and a hard-worker.
1. very hard working
2. always on time
3. very loving
5. very funny
I thought I’d give an update on this post since the last time I replied on it was so long ago.
5 positive things about me:
-I am hardworking
-I am loyal
-I am funny
-I am intelligent
-I am unique
5 negative things about me:
-I can be too blunt at times
-I am very inpatient
-My mood shows ALLLLLL over my face
-I don’t know how to not be loud lol
-Sometimes I give too much
Luz, I love that you re shared after a year!
5 positive things:
1. I am very positive
2. I love helping others
3. I love hard, try to not to hate
4. I am resilient
5. Very friendly
5 Negative things:
1. I nag sometimes
2. Have a hard time being honest if it’s going to hurt someone
3. I take care of people before I take care of myself
4. I have a lot of peeves
5. If I’m having a hard time I isolate
I love this and I love that it’s been going since 2015! That’s awesome!
Five Positive Things about me:
1. I am caring and nurturing
2. I am different and unique!
3. I am creative
4. I am open-minded and try my hardest to be accepting, even when I don’t understand or agree
5. I have good values and am self-reflective
Five negative (things I wish were different)
1. I can be extremley critical of my self
2. I am TERRIBLE at time management! (Big time procrastinator)
3. Sometimes my expectations are unrealistic or unfair (of myself and of others)
4. I’m not always good under pressure
5. I struggle to live up to my values at times
five positive things about me:
-Love my animals
-I am caring
Five negative things
-very anxious
-i dont give myself credit for the good things i do
-very bead self esteem…always criticize myself
-bad communication
-Not good saving my money
I feel like its time to do this one again….
5 positive things about me:
1. I’m very dedicated when it comes to my schoolwork
2. I’m great with kids
3. I’m pretty funny
4. I’m reliable
5. I have come a very long way in my recovery
5 things I need to work on:
1. I am very blunt and it can be rude at times
2. I am antisocial-most days I rather stay home than even go out with friends
3. I need to get healthier physically
4. I don’t have the best patience
5. My tone can be out of control sometimes