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Hey Everyone! Just wanted to share a bit of encouragement today!
Everyday before work I take a few minutes to just relax before I catch the bus to start the day. Usually it’s places like Panera, a bench in a park, or the food court. Today, I decided to sit outside near the Farmer’s market and drink a nice cold iced coffee. When I looked around, I saw this woman who looked so angry with the world, of course I don’t know her story, I have no idea why she looks angry, and maybe she isn’t even angry that is just how she presents herself! After ten minutes of me sitting there, just thinking and every so often glancing at her, I decided to get up and get ready to leave. For some strange reason, I just felt I needed to say hi to her, and I started to walk her way. She looked up at me and said “What?” I politely said “Not trying to bother you, but I just wanted to say hi and hope you have a good day, you don’t look very happy.” The woman looked a little surprised and said “well not that anyone cares but no, I am not happy today.” My “work” mode kicked in and I decided to sit with her. Instead of me just walking away I sat there with the woman for 15 minutes while she told me why she was not happy today. At the end of our conversation I said “I do have to get going, but would you like something from the farmers market, maybe some fruit?”
The woman smiled at me and said “actually, I have money, a lot of money, and you would have no idea I do because I don’t smile enough. But, money doesn’t buy happiness, people like you give me happiness.”
I walked away and in the moment realized that this lady taught me a lesson, and even though I was trying to make her feel better- she made me feel better! The world works in such funny ways, but I have to say that I feel so inspired and empowered today that a simple gesture of just saying hello turned into a great story.
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Reading this made me so happy. That’s a beautiful story, Torry. I needed that smile this afternoon. I did something like that once. This story isn’t nearly as sweet as yours but I was taking my puppy at the time for a walk through the park across the street from my house. I saw a guy sitting on a bench and he was just staring at the floor. He looked absolutely miserable. I couldn’t just leave him there so I stopped and asked if he was okay. He ended up walking through the park with me for the next half hour and telling me his story. He seemed to feel much better after that. I wished him luck and we went our separate ways. I guess we were both just meant four our jobs. 🙂
Really nice. We all need this every once in a while. Manners and kindness cost nothing.