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“I am in recovery from a drug addiction. I first tried an opiate when I was 17 years old. I hung out with my classmates that were partying, drinking, and doing drugs…” Please Continue reading here: https://turningpointct.org/story/recoverybloggerallystory/
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I am in recovery too. I been smoking marijuana since I was twelve, and now I’m so addicted to it that I cant sleep or eat if I don’t have a couple blunts every day. My schiciatrist is aware and sais I should try medical marijuana but they don’t accept medicare and it is really expensive. My day without marijuana will go awfull I will be in a very mad mood, being loud and saying mean things to people I love. I wont be able to eat or sleep the my next morning Ill feel so shity and tired that, I don’t feel like doing anything. When I have a blunt of marijuana I will be relaxed, Ill eat good and sleep good just the problem starts when I don’t have none.