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My Semicolon

A semicolon is used when an author could have chosen to end their sentence, but chose not to. The author is you and the sentence is your life.

High School

People say your high school years are some of the best years of your life. They are filled with Friday night football games, junior prom, and pep rallies – core memories that are made during this time. My high school years, however, were some of the worst years. Instead of making lifelong memories with friends, I was held hostage to my bed, plagued with intense depression and anxiety.

I didn’t leave the house much in high school. I spent 4 years completing school online, barely getting by. Some days were extremely dark; I couldn’t speak to anyone, couldn’t eat, and couldn’t imagine waking up the next day to the life I was living. Thankfully, I found help and began therapy. I would be lying if I said my first counseling sessions were productive. In reality, I spent the first few hour sessions crying, unable to get a word out. Very slowly, I gained the strength to open up to my therapist. I began to put in the work to take back control of my life. The work I have done in therapy was hard and long, and even still today, ongoing.


If you told 16 year old me, the girl who didn’t want to keep living, who missed out on high school because of her mental health – that I am thriving in college, she would not believe you. Sometimes it is still difficult for me to recognize and celebrate the many accomplishments I’ve gathered since that extremely dark time in my life. But I am being mindful to self-reflect and recognize how much progress I have made every single day. 

Being on the other side of the couch has truly brought things into perspective. When I entered the role of Marketing Intern at Positive Directions, I felt so many emotions that are still difficult for me to put into words; bittersweet and proud come to mind. Being in the counseling environment as an employee and not a client is a feeling I can’t describe. I feel so incredibly lucky to have this opportunity.

Looking Back

Looking back, I can now say that I don’t recognize high school me. But I am grateful for her, and immensely proud of her; I would not change a thing. She gave me the passion and drive to one day pursue a career where I have the ability to help people, exactly like I was helped. 

This is your sign to keep going and to stay alive. There is a light at the end of the tunnel; I know because I’ve reached it.

A semicolon is used when an author could have chosen to end their sentence, but chose not to. The author is you and the sentence is your life.

~ Juliana

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