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Let’s talk about things that make us smile, laugh, and hope. Whether it’s music, writing, journals, comedy, video games, artwork, sculpture, sports, movies, or even work, anything positive that brings you, or others joy. Let’s talk about it, even if you’re just saying you love to do something because it’s fun, let’s talk about it. I am interested in hearing about your hopes and what makes everyone smile and laugh, even once in a while. How did you get started doing this thing? How have you developed or pursued it? What ways can we help you develop and pursue it?
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You know what really gives me strength, and dare I say it, revitalizes me? Theater. I absolutely love the theater, whether it be performing onstage as an actor or attending shows, I truly love it so much. I feel as though the theater is a great place to discuss social, economic, racial, and taboo issues. It is a place within which we are all the same and within which we are all different. If anyone wishes to pursue theater or just experience it for a bit, I completely recommend it. Nothing makes me happier than getting onstage and making others happy.
music, for sure. I can lose myself in a song the way people lose themselves in a dream. Listening, playing, or singing; I’m completely in love with the way the sounds come together and create something that often words are unable to. It’s become some kind of an oasis where I can find myself completely apart from everything, but a part of everywhere.