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On June 2nd, Westhill High School in Stamford started the conversation many don’t talk about: Athletes in the LGBT community.
Hayden Eaton was one of four panelists at an assembly discussing lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender athletes and the stigma they still face in sports, organized by Athlete Ally, a non-profit organization that seeks to support LGBT athletes. Eaton runs track for Westhill and identifies as transgender.
The panel came on a red-letter week for the visibility of transgender athletes, just one day after Bruce Jenner, now Caitlyn, the Olympic gold medalist decathlete and now transgender activist, was featured on the cover of Vanity Fair for the first time since she transitioned from a man to a woman.
It’s awesome that they had this assembly. And it’s awesome to see people having the courage to talk about it!
Check out the article http://www.stamfordadvocate.com/local/article/Student-athletes-confront-stigma-at-Stamford-6303030.php
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I love this! There should be more support like this for our peers and the LGBTQ community.
Just recently, a professional baseball player, Sean Conroy, opened up about his sexuality and is now the first openly gay MLB player.
It takes a lot to accept who you are and broadcast it to an ever-judging sometimes ignorant society, so kudos to him and to the Westhill Highschool students who are brave enough to talk about athletes in the LGBTQ community.
Here’s the article btw: http://www.inquisitr.com/2206070/sean-conroy-becomes-first-openly-gay-professional-baseball-player/