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Hey everyone! Check out this KOOL Open Mic event on June 24th in Bridgeport, CT.
Its a free event hosted by CCAR, BRCC and YAF at the Bridgeport Recovery Community Center. Please the see flyer below.
This is an opportunity for all young adults in recovery to express themselves and their perspectives through music, poetry, spoken, you name it!
The event is open to ALL… bring family and friends and get ready for a sober afternoon.
© 2025 TurningPointCT.org. All Rights Reserved.
Awesome! It’s today at 3, I’m gonna try to check it out! Anyone else going?
Here is another repeat Open Mic event for young adults:
2nd RIPPLE Open Mic: Mental Health & Addiction – July 22nd
Open to those who may have experienced or have used services for mental/behavioral health, addiction, substance use/ substance abuse
Up to 3 minutes per performer
Providers, loved ones & others encouraged to come listen
1st Unitarian Universalist Society of New Haven
608 Whitney Ave, New Haven
Friday, July 22, starting at 7:30pm
Hey Everyone,
Just a quick reminder. The 2nd RIPPLE Open Mic for anyone in recovery is this Friday, July 22nd in New Haven, CT. Please mark your calendars!
If you have any questions you may reach out to Vered Brandman @ veredebrandman@gmail.com.
Also, more information (including the flyer) is available at turningpointct.org) or please follow this link: https://turningpointct.org/media/latest/2nd-ripple-open-mic-mental-health-addiction-july-22nd/.
Enjoy the rest of your week!
Hey guys,
Just to keep everyone posted, RIPPLE is planning on having more frequent Open Mics in the New Haven, Norwalk and South West Region areas… the next one should be sometime next month. I will post the details as soon as I get more information.
Hi everyone,
I wanted to clarify about the RIPPLE Open Mic Nights – RIPPLE isn’t a young-adult lead or young-adult focused organization (I’m 29 but my co-founder turned 61 a few months ago), but it is a peer-lead, peer-run organization and and we do welcome teens and young adults who are in recovery and/or receiving services for mental health, addiction, or substance use challenges. Our Open Mic Nights are also open to the entire life span.
Also, yesterday I confirmed the date & venue for our next Open Mic Night!
Thursday September 8th, 6:30-8pm at the Westport Barnes & Noble. It’s right on the bus line (the Coastal Link, which runs on the Post Road between Norwalk and Milford), has plenty of parking, and they’re very much looking forward to hosting us!
A couple things worth noting, though:
1. Barnes & Noble is a family-friendly space, so please be mindful of language. We will be set up near the cash registers, so there will be LOTS of traffic from shoppers of all ages. This wasn’t an issue at Never Ending Books or the First Unitarian Universalist Society in New Haven, but we don’t think it’s a lot to ask 🙂
2. Since Barnes & Noble is a store, our purple RockingRecovery t-shirts and buttons will not be available for sale at the event. We’re happy to take orders and arrange pick-up/drop-off and community visits, though!
We should have a flyer before Monday, and are already promoting the event through RIPPLE’s Facebook & Twitter accounts:
We Must Be DEAFENING (https://www.facebook.com/WeMustBeDeafening/)
Recovery Innovations for Pursuing Peer Leadership and Empowerment (https://www.facebook.com/RIPPLERecoveryInnovations/)
@WeMstBDeafening (https://twitter.com/WeMstBDeafening)
@RIPPLE_Recovery (https://twitter.com/RIPPLE_Recovery)
I’ll post the flyer here as soon as I have it. I look forward to witnessing some powerful performances from my peers September 8th!
Thanks for the correction and the update Vered. Wesport is a great spot! This should be a fantastic afternoon.
I know I said before Monday, but here’s the flyer for RIPPLE’s Mental Health & Addiction Open Mic Night, Thursday September 8th at the Westport Barnes & Noble.
I much prefer using the term “recovery” than “mental health/illness,” “addiction,” clinical terms, etc., but I’ve found that a lot of the people I meet who I would call my peers in recovery, say that they “aren’t in recovery yet” because they’re “still sick.”
Recovery doesn’t mean never getting sick again, recovery doesn’t mean being “cured.”
But, if I want them to show up for that conversation, I have to first make sure they feel like they belong. So, for some of RIPPLE’s events, like the open mic nights, we will use “mental health & addiction” instead of “recovery,” so those folks who feel they’re “too sick to be in recovery” feel welcome and we can have a dialogue about that issue at the event. Most of our events, materials, and projects, though, use the terms “recovery,” “recoverees” (a term I heard from someone at CCAR, a noun for people in recovery), etc.
I hope to see some folks from the forum Thursday September 8th!