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Hey everyone!
I came across a really cool page by an artist Toby Allen, who came up with designs featuring manifestations of mental health labels. I think they are very creative and eye catching. I Found myself really paying attention to detail with a few of them. (The Body Dysmorphic Disorder Had broken shards of glass, representing a mirror or even shattered reality?!)
Allen was quoted saying:
“The project originated from imagining my own anxieties as monsters and finding it to be a cathartic and healing process to draw them, It made them feel weaker and I was able to look at my own anxiety in a comical way. I wanted to expand upon this idea and draw other representations of mental illnesses that could help people in the same way it helped me.”
Definitely check it out!
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That’s very cool. It reminds me of the photos by Christian Hopkins that I saw last year on the internet. I bookmarked this because it was so remarkable:
Young photographer: “Photography was a form of therapy; probably saved my life.”
Creating art is therapeutic for Christian Hopkins, known on Flickr as Capt. Truffles. He embraces surreal photography as an outlet to release his depression.
“I’ve always had demons I’m battling against — just some really, negative thoughts,” the now 20-year-old tells The Weekly Flickr in the accompanying video. “Photography has been a therapy for me, because it’s given me control over my emotions in a way that I never had before.”
See the photos here: