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A reminder to always embrace yourself has come to press recently with the story of Bruce Jenner’s transformation. Bruce has now become Caitlyn, and her transformation is a reminder that support will always be there for you. For the month of July, Caitlyn Jenner is the cover of Vanity Fair, and has a 22 page story accompanying it. The world is progressing, and it is so important to embrace yourself. Accept yourself and people will accept you.
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It makes me so happy to see famous figures today embracing who they are, inspiring others to do the same. Gay Lesbian and Bisexual have all seemed to be becoming more and more acceptable to the public as of late (which is so awesome!!!), but it has worried me that Transgender has been the one that people have still been uncomfortable talking about. As someone who whole heartedly respects people embracing themselves, I really am so glad to see America accepting Transgender and taking another step towards equality!! 🙂
I am actually in shock! It’s amazing to see how open Bruce Jenner has become with his transformation. He was so shy and secretive about the process months ago and now, she’s everywhere promoting this idea of self acceptance, loving the skin your in, and standing up for self love. She’s confident and I really admire that.
In this transformation, I was really concerned about how her family would feel .. But then I thought about who they were and their own personal struggles and battles with the media and their social existence… And realized that everyone is entitled to live their life as happy as possible, no matter who it bothers for the most part. I’m glad she was able to step out of the box and come to terms with who she is or wants to be. She’s an example of so many people ! I admire her confidence.
Go Caitlyn!