24/7 Hotlines: Call or text 988 or text 741741

Finding A Healthy Balance

College life is all about balance. Balancing classes, social life, clubs, and spending time with friends. For me, the hardest thing to balance is being healthy. Healthy has a different meaning to everyone, but I tend to focus on eating/drinking, exercising, and mental health when thinking about my overall health. College has proved to be a challenge when trying to balance my life, especially these three different aspects. There are so many different things going on in our daily lives that make it hard to focus on all aspects of our health, so I am here to tell you the small things that I try to do to achieve this balance.

Balanced Meals

Eating a balanced diet is so important because we need to fuel our bodies with the proper foods to keep going throughout the day, but it is almost impossible to resist eating all of the amazing food around us. As I have been trying to navigate my diet in college, I have found a couple of ways that work for me in maintaining balance. First, I love going out to dinner and it is one of my favorite ways to treat myself and spend time with my friends.

Freshman and Sophomore year I really wanted a change of pace from the dining hall, and now that I am a Junior, I can get too lazy to cook some nights. When I don’t feel like cooking or I just want a change of pace, I go out and order what I want, simple as that. However, I do not make a habit of going out every night. I go out when I want or need to and try to pick a healthier option!

In addition, I love sweets and eating dessert after I make dinner. Something that I like to do is put chocolate on my fruit and freeze it. I also love the cookie brand Sweet Loren’s because they are gluten and dairy-free, have a lot less sugar, and clean ingredients. Creating and maintaining a balanced diet is hard and I am still trying to figure out different methods that work for me, but I have started feeling better physically and mentally as a result of small changes I have made in my diet.

Balancing Exercise

Exercising is crucial for college students because it not only strengthens our bodies but also improves our concentration and performance on assignments. I have found it very hard to make sure that I have time in my day to exercise because we have so many different responsibilities and sometimes exercising is put on the back burner. I find that the best way to get exercise is moving your body in a way that makes you happy, not that necessarily burns calories. If I am excited about exercising I am happy to make the time in my day.

My favorite way of exercising is walking. I think the best part about walking is getting to be outside and getting away from being in a classroom or the library. I love the change of scenery and getting to appreciate how beautiful nature is. Another way I like to work out is through workout videos. In my Freshman year of college, I was terrified of the gym. Although I warmed up to going to the gym and really like doing group fitness classes like cycling, I still like to do workout videos from the comfort of my room. My favorite workout platform is Peloton because I found that I like the classes, music, and instructors better than other things I have tried in the past, but there are so many different options online.

My suggestion is to try different things and see what works for you whether that be an app or a fitness instructor on YouTube. Working exercise into our daily schedules is so important and there are so many easy ways to get some sort of exercise every day, keeping us moving and healthy.

Mental Health Balance

Lastly, mental health is really important and often we forget about checking in with ourselves. Sometimes I feel like my schedule is in control of me rather than me controlling it, which leaves me with little time for myself. Although it is great to keep busy, it can get to be too much too quickly. I didn’t start to take time for myself until recently and I have noticed such an improvement in my mental health since.

Something that I love to do as I mentioned above is walking, and when I’m walking I always listen to my favorite podcast. This distracts me from thinking about all the tasks I have to do later, dwelling on drama, or how I should start studying for my next test. I forget about myself for a little bit and focus on what other people have to think and talk about.

Another thing that has made a difference in my mood is writing down three good things that happened to me that day before I go to bed. This can be as big as getting an A on a test, to as small as my coffee being particularly good that day. I end my day with positivity and reflecting on what has gone right for me in the last 24 hours rather than going to bed thinking about what went wrong. This has made me appreciate the little things in life and put me into a positive mindset.

These small changes that I have made in my life have improved my mental health and brought me into a happier state of mind.


Balance is hard to achieve in college, but with these changes I have made in my life, I hope you are able to see how small actions can lead to big changes. Creating changes in our physical and mental health will allow us to be better students and give us the motivation to do all the things that we need to get done in a day. As you progress through the semester, I hope you can take some of my tips and start to determine what works for you in achieving a balanced and healthy life in college.

– Alexa S.

Awareness in July

The month of July has a couple of awareness days that we want to highlight.

Disability Pride Month

Minority Mental Health Awareness Month

Zach’s Advice To Incoming High Schoolers

Check out a flashback flick below from Zach, a Teen Awareness Group member at Staples High School. He offers some advice to incoming high school freshmen!

As classes resume next month, we want to help you have a successful school year!

Summer Mental Health Maintenance

Welcome to summer! When we think of summer we often think about having a break and being able to relax from the pressure of daily life. Although that is true, it has also been found that cortisol, our stress hormone, is higher in the summer months than in the winter months. In the summer our daily schedules often change in addition to the added stressor of heat. This is why it is crucial to maintain our mental health in the summer months, and here are some ways that you can do that!

1. Exercise

Exercising is so important not only for physical health, but also for mental health too. Just 30 minutes of exercise a day can make such a large impact on stress and overall well being. The best exercises to do to lower cortisol levels are low impact workouts like walking, pilates, and yoga.

2. Go Outside

The best part of the summer is that we can finally get outside after being indoors in the winter. Being in green spaces greatly helps in lowering cortisol levels which is why it is so important to be in nature. A great activity to do is taking a walk in a park or on a trail which will really help in relaxing and decompressing.

3. Sleep

Summer is a great time to catch up on sleep because of the change in daily schedule and not having to wake up early for school. Not only does getting 7-9 hours of sleep lower cortisol levels, but creating an atmosphere and time to wind down before bed is crucial in lowering stress levels. The best way to do this is to limit screen time before bed and wind down by reading a book or doing self care activities like skin care and warm baths.

4. Do Things That Make You Happy

Having free time in the summer gives us an opportunity to do the different things that we can get too busy to do during the year. Spending time with friends and family, playing games, going on adventures, etc, all help in reducing stress and filling our days with fun rather than work.

5. Practice Mindfulness

Practicing mindfulness is a great way to reduce cortisol levels and manage everyday stressors. There are many different ways to practice mindfulness like journaling, mediation, and more. There are guided meditations online and on music platforms like Spotify and Apple music. If guided meditation is not for you, deep breathing is always a good practice that you can do anywhere at any time. A popular deep breathing exercise is 4-7-8 in which you breathe in for 4 seconds, hold for 7 seconds, and breathe out for 8 seconds.

6. Seek Professional Help If You Need

If you are experiencing anxiety, depression, or need to talk to someone, consider seeking professional help. Professionals will be able to help with navigating stressful situations and giving different techniques to help you manage whatever you are struggling with.

– Alexa S.

July 2024 Themes

Check out our content themes for July 2024! Topics include, but are not limited to, Independence Day, Minority Mental Health, International Self Care Day, and more!

Send us a DM on Instagram or email us at turningpointct@positivedirections.org if you or other teens and young adults in Connecticut are interested in sharing a blog post, video, or art around these topics. Content can be something new you have recently created, something you made a while ago, or something pre-existing that you relate to.

Check out the Media Room and Our Stories to what your fellow peers have shared!

Men’s Health Month 2024

Every June, we recognize Men’s Health Month.

Men’s emotional, mental, and physical health can often be overlooked, which should never be the case.

Your physical health matters. Your emotional health matters. Your mental health matters.

Forever, and always. 🧡🩷🩵

Happy Pride Month!

Happy Pride Month! During the month of June, we take time to emphasize the importance of acceptance in oneself and each other.

The LGBTQ+ community often face discrimination for expressing who they are, which should never happen. We are all human. We should all work together to be inclusive, no matter how similar or different we may be to each other.

Never be afraid to be who you are. ❤️‍🔥

Quinn at Band Together!

A few weeks ago, our Peer Support Specialist, Quinn, tabled at Band Together, a Young Adult Mental Health Awareness Fair.

At the fair, they got to meet many awesome teens and young adults in Connecticut, and watched musical performances from Diggity and Blonde Otter!

June 2024 Content!

June is here, which means the end of another school year and the beginning of summer!

Check out our flyer below for some content ideas for June 2024, which includes Pride Month, Men’s Health Month, and more!

As always, content does not have to limited to what’s on the flyer, it can be about anything you feel comfortable sharing!

Email us at turningpointct@positivedirections.org or DM us on Instagram if anything piques your interest!

RISE Leadership Training!

Join Rise Be is running The RISE Leadership Training, a FREE 4-part training series that will occur every Thursday in March from 10 AM-3:00 PM in Middletown, CT.

The learning experience is designed to promote recovery leadership among young adults currently receiving DMHAS Young Adult Services. Core topics include recovery, the transition to adulthood, social-emotional growth, and leadership. Students will also practice stress-management techniques to support trauma recovery. We will use a semi-structured curriculum with space for self-directed learning through creative expression and dialogue.

  • When:
    • Every Thursday in March (7th, 14th, 21st, 28th)
    • 10:00am-3:00pm
  • Where:
    • Rockfall Foundation
    • 27 Washington St #2
    • Middletown, CT 06457

Click HERE to register!

Birth Support, Education & Beyond: Support for Pregnant and Parenting Young Adults

BSEB (Birth Support, Education & Beyond, LLC) is a comprehensive perinatal support program that comes to you. The team of specialists works with pregnant and parenting youth, young adults and persons with significant trauma histories, mental health diagnoses, substance use disorder and vulnerable populations. BSEB works with these population for various stages of pregnancy, parenting and beyond.

If interested in learning more or filling out a referral form, click here.

Random Acts of Kindness Day: How You Can Spread Kindness

Did you know today is Random Acts of Kindness Day? Here are 10 ways you can make an impact today, and everyday.

  1. Pay for a strangers coffee
  2. Compliment someone’s outfit
  3. Thank your teacher for all they do
  4. Write positive words on sticky notes and leave them around town
  5. Smile at someone in passing
  6. Give up your seat for someone
  7. Hold the door open for someone
  8. Donate clothes you no longer want
  9. Leave a basket of tennis balls at the dog park
  10. Write letters to soldiers or elderly people

CT Hearing Voices Network Support Groups


The Connecticut Hearing Voices Network (CTHVN) is designed to enhance current opportunities for people who hear voices, see visions or have other unusual sensory perceptions to find and build supportive peer communities through support groups and community education. CTHVN offers free supports groups to those who need a space to discuss their experiences. Use this link or call (860) 952-4050 for more information.

Share Your Voice!


We are looking for Young Adults to contribute to TurningPointCT! Unsure of what to write about? Check out the flyer for ideas for the month of February. Not much of a writer? Not a problem – we have a podcast too. Podcasts are released bi-monthly and hosted by our team members. We’d love to have you join. Share Your Voice!

Where Do I Start?

At TurningPointCT we want to create a safe space for our peers! Especially make your life a little easier!

  • Share your Mental Health Journey or read about your peer’s journeys here.
  • Interested in contributing to the podcast, but want more info on being a guest? Click here to learn more.

– The TurningPointCT Team

National Human Trafficking Prevention Month: What You Need to Know

What is human trafficking?

According to the Department of Homeland Security (DHS), human trafficking is:

The “…[use of] force, fraud, or coercion to obtain some type of labor or commercial sex act.”

Who is most targeted to human trafficking?

The short answer is that anyone can be human trafficked. But, there are certain populations/circumstances that may be more vulnerable to it. For example:

  • Native Indigenous/American People
  • People of Color
  • Those in the Foster Care/Juvenile Justice System
  • Those of the LGBTQ+ Community
  • People Facing Economic Struggles
  • Youth & Children
  • Those who Recently Experienced a Natural Disaster

How can I identify if someone is being trafficked?

An individual of human trafficking has more than 3 of the following identifiable characteristics. There are many individuals who present almost all these characteristics:

  • Change in Physical Appearance & Use of Language
  • Bruising, Broken Bones, New Tattoos that seem out of character (Read the Following for Tattoo Examples)
    • Branding Marks (seen under black light)
    • Hidden Barcodes
    • Small Numbers
    • Anything Royalty Related
      • Commonly accompanied with a “name”
  • Self-Harm, Use of Substances, Declining Mental Health
  • Missing a lot of school
  • Running away from home
  • Acting more promiscuous in person or online
  • Influx of new clothes, gadgets, accessories
  • Using common trafficking term “the game”, “daddy”, “manager”

There are some individuals who are not aware that they are a victim of trafficking. They are commonly brainwashed into thinking the “love” is real. Therefore, the use of their language may appear more subtle, however, loyal. The bullet points above still apply to these individuals.

I think someone I know is a victim of human trafficking or I am a target, what do I do?

There is a hand symbol that signified the need of EMERGENT help.


If you see someone doing this hand gesture, call 911. If you feel as though someone is in danger, call 911 (even if they don’t sign this).

Utilize the National Human Trafficking Hotline. If you are reporting human trafficking, you can leave an anonymous tip. If you are the person needing help, they will connect you to recourses and bring you to safety.

Be sure not to confront the trafficker or alert the victim. This may make it harder for the victim to receive help and can put you in ganger.

How can I avoid being a victim of trafficking?

  • Do not talk with strangers on the internet without VPN and/or give out personal information (this includes chat rooms, social media, and gaming platforms)
  • Verify all job opportunities that are presented to you – traffickers will offer victims a “job” that turns into trafficking
    • Job examples include and are not limited to babysitting, and photography opportunities for a large sum of money.
  • Know the signs of abusive relationships
  • Always trust your gut, if you feel uncomfortable or in danger tell someone (trusted adult, family member, 911)
  • Do NOT indicate that you live alone to anyone! Have a friend be around if you are going on a date and/or when a new person is around!
  • Do NOT put anything that identifies specific information about you and/or your children on your car! For Example:
    • School/Institution Stickers
    • Family Stickers that show how many people live in your household

Links to learn more about human trafficking…

National Human Trafficking Hotline

Department of Homeland Security – Blue Campaign

Hope for Justice

U.S. Department of Justice

The Environmental Crisis and Mental Health

Have you ever experienced anxiety around the environmental crisis we are currently facing? Well, turns out there is a term for it…eco-anxiety. Read the article below, written by a Yale student, to learn more about eco-anxiety and what it means.

Feeling Grateful and Giving Back

There’s no right or wrong way of giving back to the community! Feeling grateful has led me to look not only inward but also outward of how I can help.

What is gratitude?

Gratitude is the quality of being thankful; readiness to show appreciation for and to return kindness.

Reflecting on the holiday season…

Over the holiday season, I have been thinking a lot about what it means to be privileged. Unlike some, I was lucky enough to grow up with a pantry that was always full and new school supplies each year. This year in particular, I felt an overwhelming sadness for those who do not have the same. I think it can be very easy to go about your day and not realize everything you have at your disposal that others may not. In the new year, I have decided I want to give back to my community.

giving back
Cooking breakfast for families at the Ronald McDonald House in New Haven with a college club.

What can I do to give back?

There is no right or wrong way of giving back! Here are some ideas to get you started…

  1. Put together kits and bring them to your local shelter
  2. Check on your elderly neighbors
  3. Pick up trash along the beach or at parks in your area
  4. Write thank you notes to First Responders in your area
  5. Donate children’s books to local schools or families in need
  6. Hold a food drive and donate items to a food shelter
  7. Write birthday cards and drop them off to a nursing home – some residents do not have anyone to celebrate their birthday with
  8. Sign up to cook a meal at a Ronald McDonald House

Whatever you do, big or small, giving back will never go unnoticed!


When Healthcare Providers Need Healthcare

Working in the medical field is such a strange job. When you really sit down and think about it, medical providers have to be a jack of all trades. At the same time, they must be an expert in the area they choose to work. Looking out into the workforce, there are very few careers like it. When you feel drawn to work in healthcare, it can become all consuming. It’s like a shiny new toy sitting under the Christmas tree. You okay with that toy everyday for about a month or two. Then after the month is up, you don’t pick up the toy again. This is the case for some people in healthcare. But, for some they’ve found the trick to longevity.

Lessons taken away from working in the medical field…

The trick to continuing to pick up that toy and to continue playing with it for years, is to constantly be curious. Look at the toy as a whole, not on a granular level. If you choose to look too closely too fast, you will miss the chip in the paint, the loose button or the broken sound effect. Healthcare is not much different. Working in the medical field teaches you how to experience patients as a whole. When you begin to look at them too granularly, you don’t see the full picture. You may miss the full prescription bottles sitting on the nightstand. Or the lack of food in their fridge. Providers see patients on what could be their worst day. It is easy to forget to a moment and think about the effect their situation may have on their mental health.

The most valuable lesson to be taken away from those experiences is to provide compassion and comfort. Look at the big picture; while also treating the symptoms at hand. For providers with passion, the toy never becomes less shiny. It becomes something you strive to improve upon. You go to the store and find the right paint color, the string needed to sew up the button, and we bring it to a hobby store to have the sound effect fixed.


In order to go back to the store year after year, it is imperative to nurture your mental health. Medical providers, as strong as they are, are still human. In one shift they may see a child in the PICU take their last breath. They may see a 26 year old shot with gun shot wounds hanging on to the last moments of life. They may also see someone come into the world. And an elderly patient come back to life in front of their eyes. But, unfortunately the bad can out-way the good; for some more than others. Despite this, mental health resources are oftentimes not provided. And when they are, providers do not gravitate towards seeking help.

Why healthcare providers may not seek help…

As a medical provider, you are hardwired to help people even if that means leaving yourself behind. In a perfect world, incorporating mental health check-ins once a week or at the end of each shift would be the perfect answer. But the truth is, the only way to go about fixing the broken system is honesty. This means we need to be honest when asked “how are you?” by a colleague, employee, or supervisor. Day in and day out you ask your patients to be honest with you. Why? Because when they are, providers can help them in an effective and timely manner. It’s time the medical field starts to incorporate honesty around mental health in an effort to combat this epidemic.

It isn’t until providers begin to share our struggles and triumphs that a real change can be made. The toy may not look the same as it did under the Christmas tree, but it still functions. All thanks to the time you take to maintain it. 

– Maria

Using Art as Therapy

I have loved creating art since I was little. Art class was always one of my favorite subjects in school. I love creating art and gifting it to other people, but until this past year, I rarely made art for myself. I have come to realize, art is a form of therapy for me. Over this past year, I have begun to use creating art as a way to gage how my mental health is. I have found when I am going through a depressive episode, I stop painting completely. When I am feeling super anxious, I use painting as a way to calm my mind. I also find painting helps me feel productive on days where I feel like I cannot perform how I want to.

Recently, I created a painting on the biggest canvas I’ve ever used. Despite this painting taking weeks to finish, it gave me something to look forward to each day. Whether you are new to creating art or a pro, art can be an outlet to express your feelings and take time for yourself!

From, Maria