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Happiness Happens

As the month of August ends, I decided I wanted to take a moment to look back at some of the things that made me happy this month. Why now? Well, August is Happiness Happens Month, which is a time to remind ourselves to be as happy as we can. This month’s theme was to focus on what makes us personally happy.

August was a hectic month for me. I had a pretty big life change getting a new job, and the transition has been exhausting. So, it was especially important for me to take the time to focus on what makes me happy and to do those things. Below are just some of the things that make me happy and that I managed to do this month for my own happiness.


Traveling is something that really makes me happy. In fact I love it so much that I have a travel blog and an Instagram account where I share my various adventures. This month, I was able to go to Charleston, South Carolina. The trip was super crazy and not as relaxing as I would have liked it to be, but I really did love experiencing it for the short time I was there. You can read more about that trip in my last blog post.

Exploring Historic Houses

I have always really liked looking at historic houses, but in the last couple of months I’ve been seeking out house museums to visit locally. It all started with the Avery Copp House in Groton, CT a couple months ago where I got a brochure with a list of historic house museums in eastern Connecticut. I’ve been hooked ever since. In the month of August, I visited countless historic houses in the area, sometimes alone and other times with my boyfriend. I love seeing the architecture and learning the history of the area and the house.

Going Out For Ice Cream

I love trying new ice cream places and visiting old favorites. This is something that doesn’t take a lot of time or planning. I like that it’s super low-stress. Plus, who doesn’t love ice cream!?


Photography has been something that has always brought me a lot of joy. I love composing a shot and just capturing things in unique ways. Unfortunately, I didn’t get out with my camera as much as I would have liked this month because I’ve been adjusting to my new job. But, I did get out at least once a week with my camera. I spent a lot of time going to local parks and capturing places I know super well in a different perspective.

Spending Time With My Boyfriend

Being working adults with responsibilities, sometimes it feels hard to find time to spend intentional one on one time with your significant other. I try to plan one big thing for us to do every month and smaller local things for us to do that won’t completely drain us. This month we did a lot of historic houses, grabbed ice cream, went for a hike, and spent time just lounging around the house together.

Hanging Out With My Cat

Honestly, I’m happy just being around my cat. He’s so funny and so cute. I used to work from home four days a week and just go pet him during my work day. Now, I’m in an office five days a week. I miss having access to him all day while I work.

I mean look at this little goober…just laying on a tape measure.

Spending Time With Family

I’ll be honest, sometimes spending time with family can be exhausting. But this month, I spent a lot of time with my family, both immediate and extended family. Here’s some family stuff I did this month:

  • We had a birthday party for my grandmother
  • I visited with my aunt and cousin and grabbed dinner with them
  • I got to see my niece and nephew
  • My boyfriend and I went on a sunset and seal watching cruise with my mom and my sister
  • I got to spend some time with family from out of state

It’s always nice getting to catch up with family, especially the family you don’t get to see all that often.

Picture from the sunset and seal cruise we did with my mom and sister.

Getting Out In Nature

Getting out in nature, even if it’s just for a short walk, is definitely something that brings me a lot of happiness. This month I checked out a newly finished walkway around a local pond and I also spent some time at local beaches after hours because I don’t enjoy crowds at the beach.

What are some things that make you happy?

– Kailey

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