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What would you do for free??

I was talking to my friend the other day about how I rather ask people what they are passionate about instead of what their goals are. That question lead me to ask myself and him- What would you do for free? I love this question. Things that I would do for free are: Working with foster children & singing!

What are you passion about?? What would you do for free??

5 Replies to “What would you do for free??”

  1. Allikat says:

    I love this!

    The things I would do for free are…

    -sharing my story
    -babysit my little cousins
    -write and publish a book

  2. faljak says:

    This is a really cool question and I think it took me a few tries to narrow it down (as money seems to speak loudly in a lot of parts of our world).

    The things I would do for free:
    1. Write and publish that book of recovery poems and sketches I’ve been meaning to look into
    2. Get back on stage
    3. Use my stories and experiences to help others

  3. Luz.Feliz says:


    I think this is a very interesting and cool way to phrase this question. With that being said, I feel like the things that I would do for free would be:

    1). Inspire others through speaking/writing poetry in any which way

    2). Watch baseball

    3). Motivate others to not get stuck and to understand that recovery is possible


  4. torry22 says:

    I love all of your answers!! Writing seems to be a popular one!

  5. babycooz0012 says:

    I would be willing to do anything for free.

    but if someone does something for me for free, I want to always be there for them if or when they should need help.

    I help my kids a lot when they need it – for free, and they always manage to help me too when I need it.

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