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I can personally say that I am not a fan of compliments just because I feel weird being the center of attention at any given moment, but just like any other person, I do enjoy the occasional compliments. With that being said, what are one or two of the best compliments that you can ever remember receiving?
For me, I was once told that they reason someone decided to not give up was because of me. It made me feel great about myself, especially because it came from someone who was a lot older than me and it made me realize that no matter what our age is, we can be an inspiration to those around us. I love that compliment the most because it also reminds me that I have a purpose here, and that every time I choose to not give up, I’m helping others not give up either.
What about you???
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I can remember being in high school, and feeling so insanely insecure about myself and everything I did/wore/thought/etc. one time someone told me that they liked me because I was myself and that they would not like me as much if I were someone else. At the time, it was exactly what I needed to hear to feel more comfortable in my own skin, and I think of this often when I feel insecure.
Eliza, thanks so much for sharing that. Often times the things we need to hear in specific moments are truly the ones that have the most impact on us in the long run. I’m glad that statement still sticks with you until this day, and that you can still use it to help you get through tough times.