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College Degrees to Avoid

I came across a great article about college majors and which degrees do not offer much after obtaining it. It doesn’t discount how difficult the courses were, however, all of the hard work might not pay off or get enough resume attention.

Some of the degrees I was shocked to see on the list, especially graphic design. Our world is full of websites, books, CD covers, etc. I was sure this major would be blooming in this century. Perhaps it is a degree to avoid because there’s only so much one can do/ find work.

You can read the article here with explanations for each degree on the list or here: http://money.lifeplunge.com/worst-college-degrees-for-your-resume/9/

So here’s the list of Worst College Degrees For Your Resume, did yours make the list?
1. Graphic Design
2. Kinesiology (Exercise Science)
3. Anthropology and Archeology
4. Religious Studies
5. Visual and Performing Arts
6. Music
7. Art History
8. Philosophy
9. History
10. English
Did any of them come as a shock to you? What do you think of the list, any degree you would add to the list?

2 Replies to “College Degrees to Avoid”

  1. Kevin A. says:

    I’ve come across a very similar list Valerie. Its very common that you would see liberal arts degrees topping these lists. And at times they can be misleading.
    Sometimes, you can be just as successful or better with any of these degrees than someone who does any of a STEM degree.
    Often times, it is not what you know, its who you know and if you know how to sell yourself then you can be quite successful.

    At the end of the day, its just what works for you.

  2. Michael says:

    Hi, Val and Kevin!

    This is one of my most passionate topics, maybe in part because I have struggled with college so much.
    I have read many articles that generally say the same thing. It can be very disheartening to read an article that could tell you to avoid pursuing a dream career.

    In some ways, I think that anyone can achieve a career with enough persistence, so I don’t see this list as a death wish for anyone who is interested in those careers. I myself am pursuing a communications degree because I didn’t want to be limited by just graphic design (although art/graphic design is my passion.)

    I also see the flip side of being honest with the market right now. I understand that student loan debt is a very real thing (I know a few people who are saddled with loans right now.) It can make life seem like a rat race for survival. (The hunger games of employment…)

    I think that education is never wasted, but in today’s times, it does require flexibility, persistence, and networking. I myself have gotten numerous jobs just through word of mouth, as well as connections. (Cool quote – your network is your net worth. Do you have a few people in your phone contacts you can call or email to put a lead out?)

    Right now, I think that I have to remember to keep aiming higher, and not let the market determine how high you can aim. After hundred of years of recorded history of amazing feats of people who have conquered life altering situations, I cannot let a list hold back my dreams.

    I believe 2016 is calling us all to be self-determined entrepreneurs, and find income through many avenues. For example, I occasionally work in a cosmetic store about once every 6 weeks (a few time a month during holidays.) This keeps my creativity going without burning me out from working 40 hours on my main job, as well as school. I came across this job because

    1) I asked! – Years ago, i would have been terrified to ask for what i wanted/needed. I think I had even bigger issues around self-worth and survival. I felt I would be pushy or bothersome to ask. But I ended up greeting an acquaintance I met, and casually asked that I was looking for part-time work on the side, and to please think of me if she knew of anything.

    I also was afraid of rejection. What if she didn’t know of anything? I remember a flurry of doubt before I asked. But the answer is ALWAYS no if you never ask.

    2) I knew it was what I had wanted. I really thought about how cool it would be to do part-time freelance work. I had kinda envisioned in my head that I didnt want to work 8 extra hours every week, but even the money from 8-16 hours a month would have been great.

    3) Know that you bring value. That is one lesson that is huge. Any employer wants to know that you bring value to their company. Although I don’t think I am technically the most skilled in certain areas, I was able to really bring value that I would be reliable, punctual, and professional. This employer had gone through numerous people who had flaked on her, so emphasising this really helped her recognize what I Could bring.

    Right now, I know these next few years will be ‘boring” at times, as I continue school while working a lot. But I am keeping my eye on the long term prize. I don’t know where I will end up in a few years, but I will be sure to have my card deck full of options!

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