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Switching Therapists

Opening up to a therapist is hard, opening up in general is hard. I’ve gotten really comfortable with my therapist that I have been working with for over a year & a half. I get a lot out of our sessions and it refreshes my skills and gives me much needed perspective. This is all great, but the reality of how much insurance can suck just set in. I just found out that I won’t be able to afford him anymore. And although I know I can get through it, it sucks. I’ve been through this before but I didn’t expect to have this happen right now. So now I am going into the transitioning period, which is nerve wracking and uncomfortable. But the beautiful thing about having a network is that during this whole process is definitely essential when it comes to changes like this. Life happens and I know how to cope, so I just gotta keep going and have faith that everything is going to work out the way it is supposed to.

Has anyone else had an experiences transitioning to a new therapist?

4 Replies to “Switching Therapists”

  1. Michael says:

    Hi Sam,

    Yes, I def have experience switching therapists. One of my longstanding therapists retired, while another one just wasn’t compatible with what I needed. I think that is a huge myth, that you are glued to one therapist and that you are somehow a ‘failure” if you switch. To me, its like finding the right clothes. There is no judgement if you choose denim jeans over khakis!!

    I’m so glad to hear you have natural supports to guide you during this time. Thanks so much for sharing! ~ Michael

  2. Luz.Feliz says:


    I am actually going through this experience as we speak. I recently moved to a new town that just so happens to be out of my old therapist’s catchment area and therefore I will no longer be able to meet with her anymore. Knowing my previous experiences with therapists and how awful they were, I am really dreading our last session this upcoming Wednesday. I’ve never been able to connect with another therapist and be as comfortable as I am with her with anyone else and I think that’s why it will be harder to say goodbye. Have you been able to find a good fit for you now that you’ve switched over?


  3. Jamie0715 says:

    Switching therapist is cool because you have someone new that you can share things with and not have to be worried about your old therapist knowing all your business or that you are not comfterble with is always nice to switch and have somebody new work with you should try if need to.

  4. Luz.Feliz says:

    So far I’ve had a difficult time connecting with my new therapist. I was really comfortable with my old one and we had such a strong connection, while with the new one I find myself avoiding appointments just so I do not have to be put in an awkward space. I do not enjoy sitting in her office, in dead silence while she asks me questions and types into her computer. To be honest I would much rather have a conversation with her like a normal person does with any other human being outside of an office setting, which is what my old therapist and I used to do anyways. I believe some of the level of discomfort comes from the fact that she looks so much like my grandmother who passed away years ago, and I do not really know how to process that. It’s like every time I go talk to her I’m having therapy with my deceased grandmother. I guess there are a lot of different factors tied into my level of discomfort with seeing her. So far, we have diminished my weekly sessions to just about once a month for now, which seems to be fine.

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