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National Eating Disorders Week

Eating disorders and depression may seem like two very different mental health concerns, but they are more closely linked than you may think. The National Eating Disorder Association defines eating disorders as “extreme emotions, attitudes, and behaviors surrounding weight and food issues. Eating disorders are serious emotional and physical problems that can have life-threatening consequences for females and males.”

While the reason behind why some people are more at risk for eating disorders than others isn’t clear, a survey completed by researchers at the University of Pittsburgh Medical Center revealed that a high percentage of those with eating disorders also met the criteria for depression. There’s research that depression may lead to eating disorders, and that eating disorders may lead to depression. Being malnourished can cause physiological changes that can have a negative impact on your mood. Also, people who develop eating disorders tend to strive toward “perfection.”

Take a free anonymous screening at http://screening.mentalhealthscreening.org/NEDA Screenings take just a few minutes and will give you a good idea whether you or a friend would benefit from seeking help from a mental health professional.

Let’s raise awareness and never forget to love yourself!!

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