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Meredith: You Are Not A Failure

Watch Meredith’s inspirational video on life after recovery. In this video, she talks about her experiences and how she believes that “you are not a failure if you feel behind in life due to struggling with a mental illness during your teenage years.” Meredith supports her mental wellness by practicing yoga regularly as well as meditation.

A Quote From Meredith: “Because I struggled with a mental illness during my teenage years, the hardest part of recovery for me was figuring out adulthood. Because I spent so much time in the hospital, I didn’t graduate at the same time as everyone else. It can be so easy to compare your journey to someone else’s. When in reality we are all on our own unique timeline. People don’t realize how much strength recovery takes.”

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New Feature Up: CHRIS HERREN!

TurningPointCT.org had the pleasure to attend, “REBOUND, The Chris Herren Story” in Wolcott. We heard his story of becoming a basketball legend, then becoming a legend of telling his story of addiction recovery!

Check out the full feature on our page and be on the look out for more updates on events: https://turningpointct.org/resources/featured-events/

My name is Sophie… (Mental Health Awareness)

My name is Sophie… Mental Health Awareness – Sophie shares her story in a very inspiring video as she brings awareness to the reality of mental illness.