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World Friendship Day

Hey guys! Today is world friendship day!!

What are you doing to celebrate? Do you have a best friend? A ton of close friends? Do you want to make friends?

I met my best friend when I was 11, at a brand new school. Two of my classmates became my lifeline for years of pain, and they stood by me through many storms. I barely talk to them any longer- not to any fault of their own. This last storm pushed me deep into a cave of isolation and convinced me that I was truly alone- and I pushed EVERYONE away.

I get so sad when I think about it. It wasn’t just THEIR friendship I lost, it was their family, who felt like my own as well.

But, I get to e grateful for over ten years of amazing love and support from two incredible people, and several others that came into my life along the way.

I struggle to make friends, sometimes I want more, and other times, the idea of being alone with someone seems so unnatural and scary and uncomfortable that I convince myself otherwise very quickly.

So, how about you guys? Hug your friends and thank them for being there! Today is the day to realize how good our friends are to us, and how much they TRULY mean!

Being a young adult female and its struggles

Our young adults, Ally, Olivia, and Eliza, came together to discuss their struggles as a female.

They share their experiences as woman, but also how their age is a factor in their struggles as well. They have many things in common and find it empowering to get honest and personal. Work, school, and home-life are all talked about, along with sexual harassment, relationships, and how they stand up for themselves! One thing they all have in common is feeling intimidated and discriminated against as a young woman.

Therefore, you can join in on the conversation – are you a young adult female that has experienced similar situations? Any different struggles? – we want to hear from you!
