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My First Time In Canada

An Easy Flight

I recently went to Canada for the first time to visit some friends.  Not only was it my first time in Canada, it was also my first time outside of the US. Plus, it was my first time traveling alone by airplane. I don’t often use public transportation anymore, and being in an airport reminded me why.  Many people would cough without covering their mouth, which was very frustrating.  We spent several years dealing with a deadly virus, and a lot of folks seem to have forgotten that.

Nonetheless, I was surprisingly not very anxious during the plane ride to Canada.  I did take some dramamine beforehand, and I also fell asleep on the plane. I don’t really think those were contributing factors to my fortunate lack of anxiety though.  It could have been that the plane ride was only about an hour long, but I don’t really know.

Brampton & Toronto

My time in Canada definitely left me with a desire to go back at some point.  While there for a week, my Canadian friend(s) took me to a mall in their town, downtown Toronto, and finally Niagara Falls.

Rose Theater in Brampton

The mall in their town was a lot more active than the malls here in Connecticut.  Not only was it more active, it also seemed cleaner.  Nearby was a purely vegan restaurant which was a jackpot since I am vegan.  The food there was scrumptious.  There was another vegan spot in the area that I ordered from too, but I definitely liked the place first more.

We went to downtown Toronto twice, and mostly walked around so they could show me different things.  A couple of landmarks I saw were the CN tower and the Toronto sign.  Because of how late we got there both nights, there was hardly enough time to do much else.  At least I know a few places I’d like to check out again the next time I’m able to go to Toronto. Since Toronto is Drake’s territory, I also shouted “not like us” and “Kendrick is better” just for fun, but my trolling was drowned out by everything else going on.

My Friends Had Me Pose Like Drake

My Last Day

On my last full day in Canada, my friend, whose place I was staying at, and I went to Niagara Falls.  Seeing The Falls was the one thing I most wanted to do. This turned into one of the most interesting days I’ve ever experienced though. 

Confronted By Mall Security

Firstly, we had to take several buses as trains were scarce due to a Canadian holiday.  After the second or so bus, we stopped by a mall for a bathroom break, and so my friend could charge her phone.  We went to the food court where my friend used an outlet behind an unplugged ATM to charge her phone. Mall security confronted us and accused my friend of unplugging the ATM, which she didn’t do. They sent us to a secluded hallway next to the food court that had an outlet my friend could use. 

More mall security arrived and were pointing and looking at us while talking into their walkie talkies.  They didn’t tell us we had to wait there, but my spidey senses told old me we should stay just in case.  I was worried they would follow us if we left.  Not only that, but I was in a foreign country and have a darker complexion so who knows what could have happened.

Finally the original mall cop came over and warned my friend not to use that outlet ever again after saying he wasn’t able to determine what really happened from camera footage.  She offered to give him her contact information, but he declined, so we went on our way.

Niagara Falls – Canada Side

Skipping forward, we finally get to the falls around 6 PM after four long hours of traveling.  The Falls itself was very breathtaking.  It wasn’t sunny, but it still looked cool.  I was okay with mist from the falls getting on me since it was muggy out.  After looking at the falls and taking a plethora of pictures, we went to the entertainment strip to ride on the ferris wheel and walk through a mirror maze.  Both activities were a blast.

One of many pics I took at Niagara Falls

I wanted to do so many more activities at The Falls. Unfortunately, we weren’t able to because of how late in the day we arrived there. At 10 PM, we had to leave to catch multiple buses back to my friend’s house. The journey back to her house took just as long as the journey to Niagara; we got home at like 2 or 3 AM.

Leaving Canada

While I enjoyed sightseeing in Canada, I was homesick by the end of my stay so I was ready to go home and see my mom and my cat.  However, what would have been three or four hours of traveling back home ended up being nine hours.  

When planning my flights, I chose a 1 stop flight plan for coming home as the departure time was more convenient. This turned out to be a mistake since the second flight from Washington D.C. was delayed multiple times. At first, maintenance issues with the plane were causing delays. Then, there were worries about the tropical storm. As time went on, I wished I had just chosen the nonstop flight, even though it was at 8 in the morning.

I finally got back to Connecticut at like 9pm and my mom picked me up.  I was very glad to see her and my cat again, and to be back in a familiar environment at home.  When, I got home, I remember hugging my bed before the night ended lol.

So overall, my experience in Canada was average.  It was cool to visit another country for the first time, but a lot happened that prevented the trip from being more enjoyable.  I talked about some of those things in previous paragraphs, but there’s a large factor that I don’t feel comfortable sharing currently.  I hope the next time I’m fortunate enough to go, I’ll have a lot more fun.

Covid Ruined My Vacation

During the end of September and the beginning of October, my family and I went on vacation to California and Texas. Unfortunately, I got covid about halfway through the vacation.

I made a video on my YouTube channel sharing the story of my vacation gone wrong, and how I managed to make it home. Grab a snack, and check it out below! 🤠

Before or after watching my video, check out My Poem that I recently posted here. 😃

I wish you all a safe and healthy remainder of 2023. – TM

Vacation – Worth The Stress

Post Written by Kailey MarcAurele

At the top of Bodie Island Lighthouse

Sometimes, you just need a break. This past week, I went to the Outer Banks on a family vacation. This vacation was a great way for me to get away from work and all of my responsibilities at home.

The Stress of Being On Vacation

I’d love to say I loved every second of vacation, but that would be a lie. Traveling does come with a lot of stress. It’s hard to be out of routine and when you’re traveling with others, there are a lot of compromises. You might have one thing in mind for what you want to do, but the people you’re with might have other things in mind.

Even with me bringing my best friend that I’ve been friends with since childhood, it wasn’t all sunshine and rainbows. On vacation, you can’t just hide away and isolate like you can at home so if there is some kind of disagreement, you have to deal with it right then.

The other thing about vacations is you have to spend money. While there are plenty of things to do, you have to feed yourself for a week and that means a lot of eating out. But, I was lucky to find so many gluten-free and dairy-free options. While I was definitely stressed out about how much money I was spending, I really did enjoy getting to experience a lot of awesome food that I could eat even with my restrictions! My friend did an AWESOME job of finding restaurants that had plenty of options for me.

Finding food I could eat was something I was really stressed out about prior to vacation. Going out for food is one of the best parts about going on vacation, but when you’re gluten-free and dairy-free, there’s always the stress of having to watch everyone enjoy regular food while you struggle to find something you can eat.

Gluten-Free and Dairy-Free Vacation Food!

While I was so excited to be on vacation, I missed home only a few days in. I have three cats at home and honestly I just missed my routine at home. Working from home, I spend a lot of time by myself while my boyfriend is at work all day. I missed the comfort of being alone at home where I could just do my own thing. But really, I also just missed my cats.

I actually ended up coming home early from vacation. I was just really homesick. I drove my car the whole 10+ hours down so thankfully I was able to be in control of when I left. For me, I hate feeling trapped or stuck anywhere so I like to always drive myself places, and I was willing to make the drive myself just so I could go places when I wanted and leave places when I wanted on vacation.

There’s no worse feeling than carpooling with someone and being uncomfortable and wanting to leave, but not being able to. I’ve been in that position too many times to allow it to happen anymore. While I was anxious to drive my car for almost half a day down and back with me as the only driver, it was worth it to me to be able to drive myself around and be able to go when I wanted.

While vacations are supposed to be awesome, it’s totally normal and okay to be stressed out! Don’t feel like there’s something wrong with you, there’s definitely a lot of things that can trigger stress on a vacation.

Vacations Aren’t All Stress!

The stress of traveling is almost always worth it! While I was stressed out quite a bit on vacation, I really did have a good time while I was in the Outer Banks. This trip was my third time going there, so I already had an idea of everything I wanted to do.

One of my favorite things about the Outer Banks are the lighthouses! I don’t know what it is about them, but I love seeing them, learning the history, and climbing them! I was bummed that Cape Hatteras Lighthouse was closed for climbing because it is the TALLEST brick lighthouse in the United States. But, I was still happy to be able to see it!

Bodie Island Lighthouse – I visited this lighthouse THREE different times this vacation!
Cape Hatteras Lighthouse

I also spent a lot of time enjoying the scenery and wildlife! Anyone that knows me knows how much I love being by the water. So naturally, I loved being on islands for a week! I could see the ocean from the rooftop deck of the rental we were in and I could walk to the beach. I was able to enjoy a sunset and morning and evening walks on the beach.

outer banks sunrise

On top of enjoying everything the Outer Banks has to offer, I also had a good time with my best friend and my family. If you’ve ever been to the Outer Banks, you’ll know that there is a lot of driving to go and do stuff (the Outer Banks is HUGE and made up of multiple islands). I spent a lot of time blasting music while driving and scream singing music with my best friend. I spent time with my parents and my siblings and we shared a lot of laughs and made awesome memories.

Vacations can be tough, especially when you deal with anxiety and depression. Try and make the most out of vacation. While they’re a lot of work, you can still have a good time and make some great memories.

Tips for Keeping Your Mental Health Well On Vacation

If you’re feeling stressed about traveling, here are some tips that can help keep your mental health well while you’re away:

  • Find time to relax
  • Bring your medication
  • Bring a good book
  • Have headphones to listen to your favorite music
  • Stay hydrated
  • Practice mindfulness
  • Bring reminders of home with you for when you get homesick
  • Set realistic expectations
  • Stay present and appreciate the moment you’re in
  • Don’t be afraid to say no – don’t do things you feel uncomfortable doing