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Meet Carl….

Have you ever had a time in your life when you needed help with something you couldn’t handle alone? Take minute to visit Carl’s story of asking for help. Leave a comment here to tell us about how you ask for help in your life!

Having issues w/ mental health services reimbursement from insurance?

Calling all advocates! If you have private health insurance, have you had problems getting your insurance company to reimburse for mental health services?

Senator Chris Murphy is planning a press event on the issue of mental health parity, which is part of the mental health bill he’s trying to get passed at the federal level. He wants to have a consumer at the event who could speak about their personal issues in accessing care because of barriers from an insurance company.

The press event will likely be the last week of October or soon thereafter and will probably take place in Hartford.

If you have a story to tell (it should be based on recent experiences with private insurance, not state insurance) and would be willing to talk to the press, please contact Daniela Giordano of NAMI who is collecting names & contact info of people who might want to talk at the event. Her email is publicpolicy@namict.org or you can call (860) 882-0236 , ext. 30.