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Music & Emotions//Opening My Library

If you’ve read any of my previous posts you know i looove music. I love to listen to it, write it, record it, watch it, hear about it, and i absolutely love everything guitars. So with this post I want to open it up to all of you as a library, allow me to explain.

1.) Tell me how you’re feeling/times you’re feeling a certain way

2.) Tell me how you WANT to feel, OR if you’d like music to help feel said feelings all the way through

3.) Tell me what kind of music you currently enjoy/listen to OR a genre of music you’d like to explore farther

Now these three steps (in a responding post below) would be applicable if you’re looking for my recommendations on music and how it affects our emotions, HOWEVER I have a very broad taste and relatively extensive knowledge on a lot of music genres and sub-genres so if you’re looking to explore one farther or ask music related questions I have no opposition to that either!

Now, allow me to speak more on Music and their relationship with our emotions. Music is an international language. It is spoken through all races, sexes, communities, ages, etc. In many cultures it is described as the “language of emotions”, that’s also why when we watch films, for example, music typically accompanies specific moments or scenes to give the viewer a better sense of the emotional atmosphere and let us know how we should be viewing what’s going on. The experience of “Music” has the power to evoke emotions that is absolutely incomparable to any other sense. When our brain processes music, it can be related to a “collage” of sorts. There are different sounds in a specific structure, in which when combined in said sequence, create a piece of art that seems to make sense to us compared to it’s singular sounds alone. Music is primarily rooted in the primitive part of the brain’s structures that are tied to emotion, motivation, and reward. The response that our brain’s have our almost unconscious in a way, and musical artists themselves have the ability to manipulate our emotions and expectations whether they realize what they’re doing or not. According to psychcentral.com, “More than any other stimulus, music has the ability to conjure up images and feelings that need not necessarily be directly reflected in memory.”. If you sit back and just read that sentence over a time or two again, it really truly is amazing how Music can draw pictures in our heads and evoke such strong emotion, and yet, those things MAY not even be related to any past memories or experiences, providing you with a whole new experience through nothing more than sound. Our own preference even on the kind of music we’d like to listen to at some time has an effect on its perceived experience to the listener.

“It could be this heightened level of experience in certain people and musicians that allows them to imagine and create music that others simply cannot, painting their very own sonic image.”. – Malini Mohana on “Music & How It Impacts Your Brain, Emotions”

SO, with all of this being said, I open this up to you, as I encourage you to ask for any of those beautiful experiences through music that I may be able to share with you.

An Prologue to Insanity

Aside from the variety of things I plan to discuss as a part of my blog, allow me to introduce myself personally and in the context of Turning Point. My name’s Luca, I’m 17, and I’m a recovering addict. However in a sense to not let a term like that define me, Hi, I’m Luca, I’m 17, and I’m just another human being that so happens to have struggled (and manage) with Depression, Generalized Anxiety Disorder, Self-Harm, Drug and Alcohol Abuse, the whole 9 yards. (I wonder where that expression came from? “the whole 9 wards”, nine yards of what?! whatever) Through a long and complicated journey I was able to make it out on top (sorta) and I can’t complain too much about my life today, I feel actually “grateful” for what I have now. And let’s get something straight here, I want to iron out a stereotype I had before now, I was under the assumption (in the heat of my emotions and addictions and what not) that people with psychiatric issues, and people who don’t drink or smoke, where lame as hell and a lot of the time very social awkward and weird to be around, I promise you the last thing I am is a weird kid, I might be a little f’d up but It’s my pleasure to announce that getting clean did not turn me into a nerd, or make more depressed, or any of that sh*t. Where were we? Ah, yes a proper introduction, well enough about what’s supposed to be important then, let me ease into who I identify as. My life revolves around music, I will drag that into every post and most likely label a few songs I’ve been listening to that day at the bottom of the post. I play guitar, bass, do vocals, write and record music, listen to all different genres (except pop, country, rap, pop-punk, emo/screamo sad kid bullsh*t and holiday tunes). So music has had a very significant relevance in my recovery, emotions, psychological well-being, development, and establishing myself as a person in my values and morals. I will be posting at the least one time a week, sometimes more, never less, about a variety of things, and am more than glad to post based on request and answer any questions anybody might have or would want to reach out to me for.

“Thanks A Lot” – Third Eye Blind
“Looking Down The Barrel of Today” – Hatebreed
“Overlord” – Black Label Society
“If You Want Blood (You’ve Got It)” AC/DC
“Bleed American” – Jimmy Eat World

When is it okay to struggle?

Two years ago when I made the choice to start loving myself and take a different path in life, I realized it was okay to fall apart as long as I kept getting back up and trying again. When being a peer, it is hard to allow yourself that time to heal, cry, or just have a bad day. I have realized I am strong for myself, but sometimes too strong for others.

As peers, mentors and people in recovery, do you ever feel like you can’t have a bad day or show you are struggling because you do not want to let other people see you know see it?

Overwhelming Emotions

I was browsing Psychology Today (one of my favorite websites/magazines) and I came across an article that I felt was so relevant to me.
With bipolar, it’s often difficult to regulate my emotions because I swing from mania to a deep dark depression (as well as high anxiety). Being manic doesn’t necessarily mean happy, but sometimes it’s impulsive, jittery, and restless. In this article, the author discusses how we cannot control our emotions, just how we react to them; I feel that is so true!

When I start swinging from one emotion to the other, I need to prepare myself for the rock bottom feeling I might get or too manic that can lead to dissociation. That means, instead of wallowing in my sadness, sleeping in bed too long, etc. I have to find a healthier coping strategy. Going for a walk, mindful breathing, coloring, or even watching a good childhood favorite film (I watched Mary Poppins last night) can make a world of a difference.
I have learned so much about myself when the emotions start to consume me. In the past, I would let them take over and blame myself for reacting poorly. Now, I can identify what I can do to prevent it from becoming too out of control.
Check out the article.
What do you do when the emotions start to get overwhelming? What coping skills do you use?

Overwhelming Emotions