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Best Young Adult Books of 2018

We all have different ways of coping with the stressors in our lives. Some of us bake, play sports, or even read. Reading allows us to escape into a different reality even if only for a little while. So if you’re a young adult that’s into reading, check out this cool article that lists all the best young adult books to read in 2018!

Here’s the link:

20 of the Most Exciting YA Books of 2018

My latest book I have been reading…

Hey, everyone!

I wanted to see if anyone has read some great (or even crappy) books lately. I recently picked up a book by Brene Brown, a researcher, and author on shame and resilience. Her book, The gifts of Imperfection delves into ways to bounce back from setbacks.

It is a pretty light read, and I had some good insights from it. As part of my bedtime ritual, I always grab a book and read when I have some quiet time. (Note to self: do not scroll Facebook before bed. Social media is like Pringles, Once you pop, you can’t stop!

Check out the link on Amazon for more info:

PS. Fun Fact: The book I hated reading most was “Lord of the Flies.” I was in 9th grade, and all I remember is reading about obnoxious boys running on an island “hunger games style” trying to hurt each other! :0