All I can say is …. OMG. The September 9th CT STRONG conference with Constance Arnold was amazing.
Constance was so cool and down to earth. What I like most is that she uncovered a lot of “why” things might not be working for people, and discussed “how to’s” to find the solution.
For example, Constance uncovered core beliefs. I don’t think we talk enough about them as a culture. A core belief of mine is that I “am not good enough.” According to what Constance says, “what you believe, you bring about.”
So, in my own life, I can see that in ways like caretaking (going the extra mile to win approval), or getting nervous around people, being afraid they will judge me. That is just one example of how core beliefs can play out.
Constance lays the foundation for change:
Has anyone learned something about themselves or wellness from the CT STRONG Conference?