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UConn Avery Point Fresh Check Day 2022

Today, I had the honor of being a part of UConn Avery Point’s first ever Fresh Check Day!

At the event, I ran the Uplift activity table where students came to make their own self-care kits. We provided boxes they could decorate as well as various items to put into their self-care kits. Some of the items they could add into their boxes were:

  • A paper clip: to help hold your life together when it seems like it is falling apart!
  • A rock: to help keep you grounded when your life seems to get out of hand!
  • An eraser: to make all of those little mistakes disappear!
  • A Hersey’s Kiss: to remind you that you’re always loved!
  • Fidget toys: for a distraction when you’re feeling anxious!

They also had the option to create their own stress balls out of balloons and flour.

students making their own stress balls with flour and balloons

The students really seemed to have a great time putting together their self-care kits and making their own stress balls. And the best part is, they left with a useful tool kit to turn to when they’re having a hard time!

student decorating their self-care box
students adding items to their self-care kits and making stress balls

Watching the World Develope

The overwhelming amount of support I’ve been receiving regarding my writing has been an indescribable and beautiful experience.

I want to talk to you about why I am doing what I am doing. About why I am sharing my inner thoughts with you, my reader and friend. About why I wanted to do this work in the first place.

This is for Sophia.
This is for Rachael and Erin.
This is for Amanda and Nicole.
This is for Olivia.
This is for Summer.
This is for Marissa and Maya.

This is for Jessica.

This is for the incredible women in my life that inspire and encourage me to be the best Olivia that I can possibly be.
This is for our future children.

This is so that sweet girl’s legacy lives on.

This is for everyone reading this that doesn’t have their own voice yet. This is to encourage you to share your story.

This is for those who are struggling in silence. You are strong. You are beautiful. You are an important and necessary part of this world. I believe you. I believe in you. I know how special you truly are.

This is for the 8/13/17/22 year-old-me that needed someone to believe in her when it felt like the world was crumbling down around her.

This is for you, my reader and my friend. This is so you know you are not alone.