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Back To School

Back to school can be a very stressful time. As a student, it can be very overwhelming to have new classes, teachers, classmates, and more. It is an adjustment to begin a new school year even if you are in the same school with the same people year after year. It is important to set yourself up for success at the beginning of the school year and push through the challenges that come with starting a new year. Although the start of the school year can be nerve-wracking it can also be new and exciting. Students have the opportunity to make new friends, learn from new teachers about new topics, and start fresh. Navigating this change brings up so many different feelings, so here are some different ways to manage the start of a new school year.

1. Planning/Organizing

Preparing for the start of a new school year will allow you to go into the year organized and ready. Some different ways to do this are to get a planner and start filling in the planner with information from your syllabi. In addition to having a planner, it can be very useful to color code your subjects. For example, you can make your notebook and folder for science the color green and when you are adding science assignments to the planner, also write that in green. This can help coordinate your subjects and keep everything consistent.

2. Keep an open mind

When starting a new school year it can be easy to find yourself wishing for familiarity and consistency. Remind yourself that you were in this same position last year and were able to adjust. Keep an open mind about new teachers, classmates, and class subjects. Allowing things to come to you as they are without preconceived notions will give you a positive experience and an easy transition.

3. Remain confident

Everyone walks into the wrong class on the first day. It is normal to get lost or confused in the first couple of weeks of school. Classes are harder and that comes with uncertainty. In these moments remain confident and continue to push through. It takes time to achieve success and staying strong will help you to accomplish all your goals. Always remember to be kind to yourself and remember that adjustment is temporary and shortly routines will be established.

4. Ask for help

Asking for help is so important during times of transition. Seeking support gives us strength and allows us to feel less alone. Ask for guidance whether that be from a teacher, classmate, parent, or a professional. Talking through difficult situations and gaining skills equips you to deal with future challenges and make future transitions easier.

~ Alexa

Back to School Anxiety

Good luck to all students this school year! You got this!

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Check out the Previous Episode where Dez talks about the BS of Labor Day!

Working In Education: How I Feel About Back To School

Working in education has given me an entirely different perspective on the “Back to School” season. Many parents and students dread the back to school season but it’s not like that for me. Yes, I’ll admit that working in education is stressful but there is one thing I know for sure and that’s that I love my job.

I know a lot of people are already back in school but I have a week left of Summer and I’m feeling A LOT. By the end of last year, I was feeling immense burnout. Honestly, I didn’t think I was going to survive another year. I was exhausted. But little did I know, I would end up doing summer school which meant I wasn’t going to get much of a break this year.

Summer school was full of chaos but it was the perfect reminder of why I love my job. It’s because I love my kids. Their excitement to see me and learn new things every day warms my heart. My kiddos are nothing short of spectacular. They truly are some of the smartest, silliest and kindest kids I’ve ever met and they’ve never let their disabilities stop them. Each of them inspire me to be a better person every single day.

So, when people ask me how I feel about back to school, I tell them it makes me sad but excited at the same time. Sad because the summer is ending but excited because I get to see all of my kids again. I’m so thankful that I get to be part of their learning journey. I can’t wait to get back to work and start the new school year.

Working in education has changed the back to school season for me forever. It is a season for new beginnings, continued journeys and so much more for our students. I know it can be daunting but don’t let that keep you from all the wonderful experiences that come with going back to school.

Read NPR’s article Keep An Eye On Your Student’s Mental Health This Back-to-School Season. Really great read

Do you work in education too? Check out my post Back To School Self-Care here on TurningPointCT.org!

Back To School Self-Care

back to school

Summer is almost over and the “Back to School” season is right around the corner. Students are probably getting overwhelmed and planning their back to school self-care routines but what about the teachers? I know you are expecting some self-care tips for all the students out there but this time’s different. As someone who works in education, I know how important self-care can be during the school year. So, today I wanted to share some tips to keep all the young teachers and support staff going through the year.

One of the biggest things I struggle with during the year is asking for help when I’m getting overwhelmed. Working in education, especially Special Education, is no easy task and it’s certainly not always easy to ask for help. Being a teacher, or support staff is a really stressful job. You might feel like you can’t ask for help but I promise that it’s okay. Asking for help has been one of the most difficult and helpful things I’ve ever learned.

Another tip I’d like to share with you is learning to practice mindfulness. This can be as simple as practicing meditation or conscious breathing exercises. Mindfulness might also come in the form of positive affirmations or acknowledging how you’re feeling. For me personally, acknowledging how I’m feeling throughout the day, week and even the year as a whole is a HUGE part of my self-care routine. I never really did that before and it made me feel like I was drowning. Now, I feel so much better about acknowledging my feelings. It allows me to reflect and take action, and it can do the same for you!

The final thing I’d like to share with you is an important one. Learn to set and maintain your boundaries during the school year. I know sometimes that school days can be stressful but don’t take your work or your stress home with you. It won’t do you any good there. I have done this all too often and it is so not worth the consequences that come with it. Your home life after school is for you to relax and take a breath, not for you to stress about work. Leave that stress in the classroom!

Back to school self-care is going to look different for every teacher and staff member out there. But no matter how you do it, remember to keep up with it because it work wonders for your mental health. It’ll keep you from getting burnt out too fast.

What self-care practices are you utilizing for the Back to School season?

Read the National Education Association’s article the Importance of Self-Care As a Teacher to learn why it truly matters.

Check out our Back To School Podcast here on TurningPointCT.org! 🙂