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Center for HOPE Family Centers Darien
Family Centers is a private, non-profit organization offering education and human services to children, adults and families living in Lower Fairfield County.
More than 200 professionals and 3,000 trained volunteers work together to provide a wide range of responsive, innovative programs.
For help with mental health, Family Centers_ã_ Counseling and Mental Health Services help individuals, groups, couples and families resolve a wide range of personal, relationship and mental health issues. As part of the counseling program, our Wellness & Prevention services offer an array of workshops and support groups on health and mental health as well as parenting.
We also offer crisis debriefing through our trained Trauma Response Team.Ô_ Our team of clinicians can also work with your group or organization to arrange a customized presentation.
All services are facilitated by trained mental health professionals and are provided in our licensed and accredited centers located in Greenwich, Stamford and Darien.Ô_ Day and evening hours are available.
Services include:
Individual, group, couplesand family therapy for children, adults, and seniors
Trauma Focused Cognitive Behavior Therapy to help children and adults who have experienced a debilitating traumatic event
Trauma Response services to respond and assist during an array of crisis situations affecting available to individuals, schools, businesses, and community organizations
Wellness & Prevention services that offer an array of supportive and educational workshops and support groups on health and mental health topics and parenting issues