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CT STAY STRONG for Young Adults

CTSupportGroup.org is Proud to be Partners with the CT STAY STRONG Program!

young adults CT Stay Strong

Check out this CT STAY STRONG Brochure to find out more!


The CT STAY STRONG program utilizes the wraparound approach for working with young adults (ages 16-25) in the greater New Britain and East Hartford area who are in need of behavioral health related support services. Funding for this initiative is made possible by the Department of Mental Health & Addiction Services, via a grant from SAMHSA.

What is it like for Young Adults? Hear the reasons why your peers love this program!

CT Stay Strong uses “wraparound” care!

Wraparound is a planning process used to build constructive relationships and support networks among young adults & their families.

Wraparound is…The Team is build of (a)…Wraparound can help with…
Community BasedClinician(s)Home
Culturally Relevant Family Advocate(s)School
IndividualizedEmployee Specialist(s)Community Connection
Strength BasedPeer Specialist(s)Basic Needs
Family CenteredSocial, Emotional, Spiritual, & Cultural Needs

How will CT STAY STRONG help YOU ? Hear more from your peers who have received treatment from the Care Team!

How do I sign up?

Accepting referrals for young adults ages 16-25 residing in the greater New Britain & East Hartford areas! Referrals are accepted from yourself, schools, courts, higher education, adult education, and community based organizations!

Contact the provider within your community for a referral form or to complete a telephone screening!

Amanda RossDirector of Intensives CMHAaross@cmhacc.org(860)229-4850 x1900233 Main Street, New Britain, CT, 06051
InterCommunity, Inc.jessicarees@intercommunityct.org(860)569-5900281 Main Street, East Hartford, CT, 06118
Cindy McGrathPrincipal Investigatorcindy.mcgrath@ct.gov(860)262-6975Department of Mental Health & Addiction Services for Young Adults
Karen HensleyProject Directorkhensley@abhct.comAdvanced Behavioral Health, Inc.
213 Court Street, Middletown, CT, 06457

Open/Download a PDF copy of the CT STAY STRONG Brochure by Clicking Here!


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