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12 Times The Netflix Show “BoJack Horseman” Got Real About Mental Health

I fell in love with the show “BoJack Horseman” because of how real the show got about mental health. When I first started watching it, I was just expecting a comedy, but it was so much more than that. I happened to be watching the show when I was really struggling with my mental health and I felt very seen while watching. The show talks about depression, addiction, heartbreak, and more. Below are just some examples of the pretty accurate portrayals of mental health in the show.

BoJack getting dark, but real, about how he feels about himself:

BoJack getting real about wondering how others can just be happy:

When BoJack says what we’re all thinking:

Wanting to feel better, but not knowing how:

Feeling numb:

Pushing people away because we feel like people would be better off without us:

When Diane got real about life being a bitch:

When Sarah Lynn got real about being on the verge of losing it:

Sometimes living with addiction can feel like you have no control over your own life:

Mr. Peanut Butter talking about the art of distraction to avoid dealing with life sucking:

When Diane got real about anti-depressants:

I know I used to feel this way:

I truly believe this show is such a treasure. By talking about all of these various issues, it helps to normalize things we people with mental illnesses think and feel on the regular. “BoJack Horseman” is so much more than just a comedy.

You can see more times the show got real about mental health here.

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