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I’m starting to ‘boil’ outside

Summer is upon us guys.

I’m not a big fan of the heat but so far I have been investing in the short school break. As I mentioned in my last post, I want to get on with my Spanish. Pretty much the entire June is prolly going to be another school month. I am doing a Spanish class. Heard it’s going to be intense but nonetheless, a ‘kool’ way to get my adrenaline flowing for the summer.

In addition to that, I have already started an online course with HarvardEdx, Understanding the Global Economy, and the exciting part is that I get to communicate with business professionals from all over the world, from as far as Australia, and including India and Cambodia. I recently started and it has been a fascinating experience.

Oh, and I have also started reading Business Adventure. So as I mentioned before, this book narrates some of the most defining stories of Wall Street and Main Street over the years. I was hoping to finish this reading by the end of the month but all hopes point in another direction. I am still at the second chapter. So far, not a very interesting book to me, unless of course, you are into cars. Almost the entire chapter is dedicated to the story about the Ford invention, Edsel. The story here is that the 1958-1960 brand was all hyped up but when it hit the market customers reported one failure after another, by 1960 it was almost completely a thing of the past.

But away from all the books, on the, even more, fun side, I’m hoping to take a trip away from this chaotic life for a few days to appreciate nature. Something that I think fits in well with my plan to go green – to promote sustainable living.

Also, Pride is coming up! It’s actually in three weeks. June 10th. This is my third Pride. The first year, I was shy. The second year, I was volunteering. This year, I am also volunteering but most importantly, ‘partying’. Should be a lot of fun. Of course, all are welcome. It will be held in Norwalk at Mathews Mansion.

All in all, for the past few days, I have been in planning mood. All just to keep me motivated and to drive some positive energy.

I am hoping that you share some of your plans for the holiday break. Looking forward to a hot but relaxing summer.

One Reply to “I’m starting to ‘boil’ outside”

  1. Michael says:

    Hi Kevin,

    You have a lot going on- you are a rockstar. You better throw a huge party once you graduate. I know summer classes can make you feel like you never quite get a break, but they do help your credits to add up quickly.

    I haven’t read about wallstreet, but I am pretty sure I can sum it up with one meme…

    (Bernie Madoff….)

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