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If I Can, You Can!

The last couple weeks I found myself out of energy, feeling emotionally drained. Nevertheless, the reasoning didn’t seem to be because I wasn’t sleeping okay, or because there was anything negative going on in my life. I found out that I was just tired of what the system does to people, the fact that it drills this horrible concept into “patients” heads that they are never going to amount to anything, that they are going to have to live the rest of their lives institutionalized, being intensively monitored for their safety as well as for the safety of others. That’s the thing that pisses me off though, SOCIETY IS WRONG.

I was supposed to be one of those people, who was locked up in a state institution until an old age because I was “incapable” of managing my feelings, “out of control”, etc. I was on one to one supervision for months on end for my self-harm behaviors on countless occasions. I AM NOT SUPPOSED TO BE HERE RIGHT NOW. But I am, and I truly believe there’s a reason for that.

You see, society is trained to run in a never-ending circle, and me getting out and NOT becoming the statistic they expected and dictated me to be is like “against the rules.” Now here’s where the draining part comes in- when someone is used to being a certain way for such a long time, and has most of society telling them that they aren’t going to be able to amount to anything because of an “illness” or diagnosis, then it’s like teaching an old dog new tricks.

Moral of the story- People, RECOVERY IS POSSIBLE, we have to stop the amount of limitations we set on people just because they are “different” for ANY reason. Different people can do amazing things. 🙂

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